Brad Broulik是。HealthPartners的一名高级开发人员,以企业级的移动开发见长。在进入移动开发领域之前,他以首席软件架构师的身份供职于一家金融服务公司。他具有大多数移动开发技术的使用经历,尤其是jQuery Mobile。他对GitHub上的iQueryMobile项目贡献了多个pull请求,而且使用jQuery Mobile开发了多个企业级的移动app。他经常在http://bradbroulik.blogspot.com上发表博文,他的Twitter账户是BradBroulik,读者可以通过邮件地址BradBroulik@gmail.com与他联系。他与妻子、女儿生活在明尼苏达,他喜欢运动、户外互动,也喜欢与家人同享天伦之乐。
Pro jQuery Mobile 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
图书标签: jQuery Mobile Web开发 移动开发 Apress 编程 前端 Programming
You need to build an app, and you need it to run everywhere. And you need it now! jQuery Mobile gives you the ability to write once and run everywhere using jQuery and jQuery UI. Pro jQuery Mobile will teach you how to create themable, responsive, native-looking applications for iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Blackberry, and more. * Discover what sets jQuery Mobile apart from other mobile web development platforms * Walk through practical examples of jQuery Mobile features, including design elements and event handling * Dig into the jQuery API, integrate web services, and learn how to publish to app stores with Phone Gap jQuery Mobile is a framework for delivering cross-platform mobile web applications with a unified interface. jQuery Mobile combines responsive layouts with progressive enhancement to render the best possible user experience from a single code base. With Pro jQuery Mobile, you'll be creating amazing mobile apps in no time. What you'll learn * Unique features of jQuery Mobile * jQuery Mobile core features, including page structure, navigation, and form elements * The entire jQuery Mobile API, including data attributes, methods, and events * How to apply jQuery Mobile to specific cases, including iOS and Android apps * How to publish your apps to app stores via PhoneGap * Integrating web services and Google Maps into your jQuery Mobile apps Who this book is for Mobile developers who want to master jQuery Mobile and build cross-platform mobile web applications from a single code base. Table of Contents * Why jQuery Mobile? * Getting Started with jQuery Mobile * Navigating with Toolbars * Form Elements and Buttons * Presenting Lists of Information * Formatting Content with Grids and CSS * Creating Themable Designs * jQuery Mobile API * Working Effectively with Services * Distributing jQuery Mobile Natively with PhoneGap * Finding Your Way with Google Maps
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Pro jQuery Mobile 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书