羅伯特•庫爾茨班(Robert Kurzban):
We're all hypocrites. Why? Hypocrisy is the natural state of the human mind. Robert Kurzban shows us that the key to understanding our behavioral inconsistencies lies in understanding the mind's design. The human mind consists of many specialized units designed by the process of evolution by natural selection. While these modules sometimes work together seamlessly, they don't always, resulting in impossibly contradictory beliefs, vacillations between patience and impulsiveness, violations of our supposed moral principles, and overinflated views of ourselves. This modular, evolutionary psychological view of the mind undermines deeply held intuitions about ourselves, as well as a range of scientific theories that require a "self" with consistent beliefs and preferences. Modularity suggests that there is no "I". Instead, each of us is a contentious "we" - a collection of discrete but interacting systems whose constant conflicts shape our interactions with one another and our experience of the world. In clear language, full of wit and rich in examples, Kurzban explains the roots and implications of our inconsistent minds, and why it is perfectly natural to believe that everyone else is a hypocrite.
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親愛的讀者,你覺得本書作者的觀點當真如書名所言,主要用來論述的為什麼人人都是僞君子嗎?哦No,No,對不起你完全錯瞭。其實作者想說的是:你根本就不是人。“自我”這種東西,是根本不存在的。 作者的主要觀點是:人類的大腦是由無數的模塊構成的,這些模...
評分小 巴/ 文 原載《深圳特區報》2013年8月30日 http://www.sznews.com/rollnews/sztqb/2013-08/30/content_2130775725.html “策略性地選擇無知”,這種做法源於人類進化和社會適應過程中,為瞭避免受到某些傷害而形成的迴避部分信息的大腦模塊機製。 知情,意味著什麼?很多情...
評分我想破瞭頭都想不通的原因就是為什麼我每天都不太高興。 我媽這個樂觀主義者試圖勸我,她說,你有什麼好不高興的。 我說,你有什麼好高興的。 死心眼的金牛座遇見整天沒事樂顛顛的獅子座簡直是彗星撞地球,就好像一個快要餓死的人遇見何不食肉糜的狗皇帝。 每次有人讓我“...
評分羅馬不是一日建成的,人類的思維模式同樣如此。在作者、進化心理學傢Robert Kurzban 看來,曆經自然選擇走來的人類,所具有的種種思維絕非畢其功於一役,而是一個一個的漸變纍積,也即作者所定義的“模塊化”。模塊的組閤總是五彩斑斕。比如說,一盤豐盛食物在前,A腦區要求你...
評分小 巴/ 文 原載《深圳特區報》2013年8月30日 http://www.sznews.com/rollnews/sztqb/2013-08/30/content_2130775725.html “策略性地選擇無知”,這種做法源於人類進化和社會適應過程中,為瞭避免受到某些傷害而形成的迴避部分信息的大腦模塊機製。 知情,意味著什麼?很多情...
圖書標籤: psychology Psychology 演化心理學
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