Christian Antognini,瑞士蘇黎世Trivadls公司首席顧問和講師,從1995年就開始緻力於探究Oracle數據庫引擎的工作機製。他最熱衷的是邏輯與物理數據庫的設計、數據庫與Java應用程序的集成、查詢優化器,以及與性能管理和優化相關的所有方麵。他還是Trivadis性能團隊和 OakTable網站的核心成員。
童傢旺 安徽蕪湖人,畢業於上海電力學院工商管理專業,現供職於阿裏巴巴,負責産品數據庫的維護工作。主要關注於Oracle數據庫以及UNIX(Linux)操作係統,尤其關注這些産品的設計思路、理念,不止於滿足知其然,更想瞭解其所以然。空閑時喜讀各種閑書,涉及經濟、曆史、政治、文學等。
鬍怡文 江蘇淮安人。現供職於支付寶(中國)網絡技術有限公司,擔任商業智能部門的數據倉庫工程師。關注BI架構與設計、數據庫和操作係統技術,常沉浸其中,偶有所得亦欣然自喜。平時好讀書,爬山,騎車,四處走走。願行萬裏路,交天下朋友。
馮大輝 就職於支付寶(中國)網絡科技有限公司(,擔任過DBA、數據架構師,現負責領導支付寶數據庫團隊。過去幾年間他的工作集中在數據庫管理、優化、數據架構規劃、解決方案等方麵。2007年國內首批Oracle ACE,網絡ID“Fenng”,長期關注Web 2.0網站架構技術。個人技術Blog: 。
Now available in paperback-- What do you do when your database application isn't running fast enough? You troubleshoot, of course. Finding the slow part of an application is often the easy part of the battle. It's finding a solution that's difficult. Troubleshooting Oracle Performance helps by providing a systematic approach to addressing the underlying causes of poor database application performance. * Written for developers by an application developer who has learned by doing * Gives a systematic approach to solving database application performance problems * Helps you plan for performance as you would for any other application requirement What you'll learn * See how to treat and plan for performance as a basic application requirement * Identify performance problems using a systematic and repeatable approach * Configure your query optimizer to meet your application performance goals * Optimize table accesses, joins, and physical table layout * Read and recognize inefficient SQL execution plans * Reduce inefficiencies from too much procedural code Who this book is for For application developers and database administrators involved in troubleshooting performance problems of Oracle-based applications.
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評分書翻譯的不錯,是國內為數不多的針對sql性能診斷方麵比較深入全麵的書籍。 讀完一遍受益匪淺,準備多拜讀幾遍。 對於第2.3章的遊標解析有點疑惑。 我感覺查找是否存在可共享的遊標,是不是在檢查語法,語義及訪問權限之前呢
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圖書標籤: 性能優化 Oracle 數據庫 tunning performance oracle database
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