Geling Yan is an award-winning Chinese novelist and screenwriter. Born in Shanghai, she served with the People's Liberation Army during the Cultural Revolution, starting aged 12 as a dancer in an entertainment troupe. She published her first novel in 1985. Since then she has written numerous short stories, essays, scripts and novels including, in English, The Uninvited (published as The Banquet Bug in the US) and The Lost Daughter of Happiness. A collection of her short fiction originally written in Chinese was published in English as White Snake and Other Stories. Geling Yan's works have been translated into over a dozen languages, and several have been adapted for the screen, the latest being The Flowers of War. The film of this book, made by acclaimed Chinese director Zhang Yimou (Raise the Red Lantern, House of Flying Dangers) stars Christian Bale and is China's entry for the 2011 Academy Awards. Geling Yan holds a Master's in Fine Arts in Creative Writing from Columbia College Chicago. She currently divides her time between China and Berlin.
December 1937. The Japanese have taken Nanking. A group of terrified schoolgirls hides in the compound of an American church. Among them is Shujuan, through whose thirteen-year-old eyes we witness the shocking events that follow.
Run by Father Engelmann, an American priest who has been in China for many years, the church is supposedly neutral ground in the war between China and Japan. But it becomes clear the Japanese are not obeying international rules of engagement. As they pour through the streets of Nanking, raping and pillaging the civilian population, the girls are in increasing danger. And their safety is further compromised when prostitutes from the nearby brothel climb over the wall into the compound seeking refuge.
Short, powerful, vivid, this beautiful novel transports the reader to 1930s China. Full of wonderful characters, from the austere priest to the irreverent prostitutes, it is a story about how war upsets all prejudices and how love can flourish amidst death.
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《金陵十三釵》有感 作者:劉婷婷 三教九流的言語、作派她們仿誰不像?在她們扮上唱詩班女學生“慷慨”赴死前,她們是妓女、窯姐、婊子,就活該挨打、遭罵、被蹂躪。話說,金陵的故事哪齣唱過皆大歡喜?但人物卻都勝在至情至性。《紅樓夢》如是,嚴歌苓的《金陵十三釵》...
評分我在國外時學校裏有不少的日本留學生,他們給大眾的印象大多是禮貌整潔的,特彆是女生的氣質,總是透露著一絲絲溫柔,看起來象中國人形容的知書達理。作為國傢的錶現力,他們是個不錯的代錶。 盡管如此我卻多與歐洲同學在一起,經驗讓自己很難和他們走進。但在日復一日的交往...
評分改成長篇之後的《金陵十三釵》,每個人都有瞭自己的結局。 然而作為中篇結尾的那把藏在身後的小剪刀,那種未知的殘忍,和現在這樣都說明白瞭的結局相比,顯得溫柔多瞭。 修改成長篇的十三釵多瞭很多細節,整個故事也徹底成為瞭追尋真相的轉述,在轉述的過程中,對每一個主角都...
評分過去女性因為依附於男性,她們收入渠道很大程度上並沒有不同,唯一不同的是,看她們能附庸上怎樣的男性,通過男性的社會經濟地位的支撐來確保自己的生活運轉,同時為瞭維持既得利益,不得不嚴謹的設置各種障礙,來驅逐同性競爭者。 書中,不論是扶桑與國外白人婦女,還是金陵十...
評分很久沒看嚴歌苓的小說瞭。還記得16歲時在寢室裏讀她發錶在《十月》上的一篇中篇小說《白蛇》時,驚為天人的震動。幾乎倒背如流的喜愛。。。。。後來,又買瞭她幾本書看,漸漸的對於這個人的風格有些熟爛於心。 她善於挖掘人物微妙又矛盾的心理。但是不算深刻和犀利。...
圖書標籤: 嚴歌苓 現代文學
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