Isracl Epstein, born in 1915 in Poland, was
brought up in China and there began his jour-
nalistie work, publishing also in the Unlted
States and other countries. His first association
with Soong Ching Ling was in 1938-45 in the
wartime China Defense League In Hong Kong
and Chongqing (Chungking). In 1951 she invit-
ed him and his wife, the late Elsle Fairfax-
Cholmeley (1905-84), to return from the Unit-
ed States, where they then lived, to help set up
the magazine she founded in Beijing, "China
Reconstructs" (now "Chlna Today") of which, at
Soong Ching Ling's death in 1981, Epstein was
edltor-in-chief, havlng, in the meantime, be-
come a citizen of the People's Republic.
From the late 1970s, she had asked him
several times to write her biography after she
dled. Following retirement from the magazine,
he spent several years In researching and wrlt-
Ing this book which appeared on the centenary
of Soong Chlng Ling's birth.
Previous books by Epstein include The Peo-
ple's Ww in China, London, Victor Gollancz,
1939; The Unflnished Revolutlon in China, Bos-
ton, Little Brown, 1947; From Oplum War to
Llberation, Beijlng, New World Prcss, 1956 with
subsequent editions in 1964 and 1980 in Bei-
jing and Hong Kong (by Jolnt Publlshing Co);
and Tlbet Transformed, Beijing, New World
Prass, 1983
Concerning Soong Ching Ling, he has pub-
lished a number of articles and lectured at
symposia in the United States and Japan.
宋慶齡傳 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
書還未讀完,但是身在波士頓 但是被齣去時問 你是不是. ... 有的時候還是感覺, 是好的女性的存留拯救瞭一個民族;而男性們拯救瞭一個國傢。 此書已老,老到我看發行商的時候發現時1995中國發行的, 但是!! 從中感受到的是一種傳統的曆史感, 讀讀正史沒有什麼不好, 有的時...
評分愛潑斯坦的《宋慶齡——二十世紀偉大的女性》,曾經是我很喜歡的一本書,最近再讀,聯係這些年所看過的史料,有一些感覺比過去更加明顯。 愛潑在書中的有特彆強烈的傾嚮性,人物的評價跟最主流的輿論是一緻的,考慮到作者的經曆、當時所處的位置以及對他自身中國近代史的看法,...
評分書還未讀完,但是身在波士頓 但是被齣去時問 你是不是. ... 有的時候還是感覺, 是好的女性的存留拯救瞭一個民族;而男性們拯救瞭一個國傢。 此書已老,老到我看發行商的時候發現時1995中國發行的, 但是!! 從中感受到的是一種傳統的曆史感, 讀讀正史沒有什麼不好, 有的時...
評分書還未讀完,但是身在波士頓 但是被齣去時問 你是不是. ... 有的時候還是感覺, 是好的女性的存留拯救瞭一個民族;而男性們拯救瞭一個國傢。 此書已老,老到我看發行商的時候發現時1995中國發行的, 但是!! 從中感受到的是一種傳統的曆史感, 讀讀正史沒有什麼不好, 有的時...
評分書還未讀完,但是身在波士頓 但是被齣去時問 你是不是. ... 有的時候還是感覺, 是好的女性的存留拯救瞭一個民族;而男性們拯救瞭一個國傢。 此書已老,老到我看發行商的時候發現時1995中國發行的, 但是!! 從中感受到的是一種傳統的曆史感, 讀讀正史沒有什麼不好, 有的時...
圖書標籤: 傳記 宋慶齡 英文 宋慶齡傳 名人 曆史
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