最新现代英语同义动词用法词典(教学、应试、辨析、求解) 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 著者简介
最新现代英语同义动词用法词典(教学、应试、辨析、求解) 电子书 图书目录
INDEX A abandon abate abbrcviate abdicate abhor abide abolish abominate abridge absorb abuse accede accclcratc acccpt accommodatc accompany accomplish accumulate accuse ache achicve1 auhieve2 acknowlcdge acquaint acquire act act as act for activate actuate adapt add addrcss adducc adhcre adjust admire admit1 admit2 admit' admit of adore adorn advance1 advance2 advise1 advise2 affect1 affect2 affirm affix afford agree agree about agree on (upon) agree to agree with aid aim at aun to alarm allay allege alleviate allot allow allow for allow of allure ally alter amass amaze ambush amend amplify amuse annex announce annoy answer answer for answer to answer to A for B anticipate apologize appear1 appear2 append apply apply for apply to appoint apportion appraise appreciate1 appreciate2 apprehend apprlse approach approve approximate argue arise arouse1 arouse2 arrange arrest1 arrest2 arrive ascend ascribe ask1 ask1 ask for assassinate assemble assent assert assign assimilate assume2 assure astonisb astound attacb attack attain attempt attend attend to attest attribute augment avenge avert avoid await awake awaken award B baffle bake ban banish bar bargain barter base battle be able to v be about to v. be afraid of be after be asleep be capablc of be composcd of be conccrncd in be concerncd with be dctermincd to v. be fond of be frec from be frec of be going to v. be gone be intercsted in be kccn on be made up of bc mcant for be mcant to be be no+n. be not+n be obligcd to v bc off bcnd bcsecch bcsicge begtow bct betray bcttcr bcware bcwildcr bickcr bid bind black blacken blamc blaze blend blink block bloom blossom blow up blush boast boil bombard book boost born borne borrow bother bound brag break broak down brcak loosc from break out brccd bridle bring bring �nto contact with bring up' bring up2 broil brood brook build bully burdcn burst1 burst2 bury buy buzz c calculate call1 call2 call' call on calm can can but Can 1 cancel cannot but cannot help can't help can't keep back capture care care about care for care to v. carry1' carry2 carry oft carry on vt carry on vi. carry on with cast cast about (around :round') for catch cause caution cease celebrate censure certify cbain chance change cbant chaperon charge1 charge2 charge' charge4 chase chat chatter cheat check cheer cheer cherish chide choose chop chortle chuckle circle cite claim1 clalm2 clasp claw clean cleanse clear clear up cleave climb cling close1 close2 clothe clutch coach coax coerce cohere coincide collaborate collect combat combine come1 come2 come from come into use come out of come up with comfort command commemorate commence commend commit communicate communicate "to communicate with company compare to compare with compare…with compel complain complete comply compound comprehend compress comprise compute conceal concede conceive concentrate1 concentrate2 concern conclude concur condemn1 condemn2 condense conduct1 conduct2 conduct3 conduct4 confcss confine confirm conform confound confront confuse congratulate congregate conjecture conncct connote conquer consccrate consent conserve consider1 considcr2 consider3 consign consist of console constitute constrain1 constrain2 constrict construct contact contain contaminate contemn contemplate contend continue contract contradict contrast control converse convert convey convict convince convoy cook cooperate copy correct correspond correspond to n correspond with cost1 cost2 counsel count counterfeit couple cover cow crack crave crawl create creep crow crowd crush cry1 cry2 cull curb cure curtail cut D damage dare dash1 dash2 deal dcbar debate dccay dcccive decide declare decline1 dccline2 dccompose dccorate decrease dedicate dcem defeat defend defer defraud delay deliberate delight deljquesce deliver1 deliver2 delude demand demollsb demonstrate1 dcmonstrate12' demur denote denounce deny depart1 depart2 depend depict deplore deport deposit deprive derive descend describe desert design designate desire despise destroy detacb detect determtne detest devote die die for die from die of dtffer from differ from in differ with diffuse dig digest dilate dilute diminisb dine dip direct1 dircct2 disagree disappcar disapprove discard discharge1 discharge2 disclose discontinue discover1 discover2 discriminatc discuss disdain disgust dislike dismiss dispatch dispense dispense disperse displace display dispute disregard disscmble disseminate dissipate dissolve distinguish from distribute distrust disturb divert divide divulge do do away with dodge doom doubt douse doze drag draw1 draw2 draw out draw…attcntion to dream about (of) n dream of v-ing drench dress drift drill drink drip drive1 dreve2 drive3 drop drop in drop into drown dumbfound dunk dupe dust dwell dwindle E earn eat educate effect elapse elect elevate clicit eliminate clongate emanale emancipate embarrass embolden embrace cmend emerge emigrate emit emphasize employ' employ2 encircle enclose encompass encounter encourage end endcavour endow endure engage' engage2 engage in engage onesclf in (be) engaged in enjoin enjoy enlarge turn2 turn' turn out twinklc v uncovcr undcrstand undcrtakc undo undress unfold unitc upbraid uphold1 uphold2 urgc usc uscd to v utilize V valuc vanish vanquish vary vault vcnerate venture verify vex vibrate vicw visit visit in visit with voice w wagcr wail wait wake waken walk wander want1 want2 want to v. warn watch watch for watch ovcr wave wavcr1 waver2 wear wcep weigh welcome wet whirl whispcr will Willyou win wink wipe wish withdraw withcr withstand1 withstand2 wobblc wondcr wondcr Won't you work work at work on would would like to v. would rathcr would rather than Would you…? wound wrangle wrcck write Y year ycll yicld turn2 turn3 turn out twinklc u uncovcr undcrstand undcrtakc undo … undress unfold unitc upbraid uphold1 uphold2 urgc usc uscd to v utilizc vault vcnerate venture verify vex vibrate vicw visit visit in visit with voice W wagcr wail wait wake waken walk wander want' want2 want to v. warn watch wacch for watch ovcr wave waver1 waver2 wear weep weigh welcome wet whirl whisper will Will you? win wink wipe wish withdraw wither withstand1 withstand2 wobble wonder wonder Won't you? work work at work on would would like to v. would rather would rather---than Would you? wound wrangle wreck write Y year yell yield · · · · · · (收起)