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A Practical Guide to Linux Commands, Editors, and Shell Programming


A Practical Guide to Linux Commands, Editors, and Shell Programming pdf epub mobi 著者簡介

Mark G.Sobell是Sobell Associates 公司的主席,該公司是一個專於UNLX/Linux 培訓、技術支持和用戶軟件開發的谘詢公司。Sobell是多本UNIX和Linux暢銷書的作者,著有Prentice Hall PTR齣版社齣版的A Prac-tical Guide to Red Hat Linux,Second Edition一書,以及Addison-Wesley齣版社齣版的A Practical Guide to UNIX System,Hands-on UNIX和A Practical Guide to Solaris。Sobell具有超過25年使用UNIX和Linux的經驗。

A Practical Guide to Linux Commands, Editors, and Shell Programming pdf epub mobi 圖書描述

"First Sobell taught people how to use Linux ...now he teaches you the power of Linux. A must-have book for anyone who wants to take Linux to the next level." -Jon "maddog" Hall, Executive Director, Linux International New Chapters on Python and MySQL-Covers Perl, too! * Learn from hundreds of realistic, high-quality examples, and become a true Linux command-line guru! * NEW! Covers busybox, Midnight Commander, screen, and sshfs/curlftpf * Covers the Mac OS X command line and its unique tools * 295-page reference covers 98 utilities, including Mac OS X commands! For use with all popular versions of Linux, including Ubuntu(TM), Fedora(TM), openSUSE(TM), Red Hat(r), Debian, Mageia, Mint, Arch, CentOS, and Mac OS X, too! The Most Useful Tutorial and Reference, with Hundreds of High-Quality Examples for Every Popular Linux Distribution Linux is today's dominant Internet server platform. System administrators and Web developers need deep Linux fluency, including expert knowledge of shells and the command line. This is the only guide with everything you need to achieve that level of Linux mastery. Renowned Linux expert Mark Sobell has brought together comprehensive, insightful guidance on the tools sysadmins, developers, and power users need most, and has created an outstanding day-to-day reference. This title is 100 percent distribution and release agnostic. Packed with hundreds of high-quality, realistic examples, it presents Linux from the ground up: the clearest explanations and most useful information about everything from filesystems to shells, editors to utilities, and programming tools to regular expressions. Use a Mac? You'll find coverage of the Mac OS X command line, including OS X-only tools and utilities other Linux/UNIX titles ignore. Sobell presents a new MySQL chapter. There's even an expert introduction to Python-today's most valuable tool for automating complex, time-consuming administration tasks. A Practical Guide to Linux(r) Commands, Editors, and Shell Programming, Third Edition, is the only guide to deliver * A MySQL chapter to get you started with this ubiquitous relational database management system (RDBMS) * A masterful introduction to Python for system administrators and power users * New coverage of the busybox single binary collection of utilities, the screen terminal session manager/multiplexer, and the mc (Midnight Commander) textual file manager, plus a new chapter on using ssh for secure communication * In-depth coverage of the bash and tcsh shells, including a complete discussion of environment, inheritance, and process locality, plus coverage of basic and advanced shell programming * Practical explanations of 98 core utilities, from aspell to xargs, including printf and sshfs/curlftpfs, PLUS Mac OS X-specific utilities from ditto to SetFile * Expert guidance on automating remote backups using rsync * Dozens of system security tips, including step-by-step walkthroughs of implementing secure communications using ssh and scp * Tips and tricks for customizing the shell, including step values, sequence expressions, the eval builtin, and implicit command-line continuation * High-productivity editing techniques using vim and emacs * A comprehensive, 295-page command reference section covering 98 utilities, including find, grep, sort, and tar * Instructions for updating systems using apt-get and yum * And much more, including coverage of BitTorrent, gawk, sed, find, sort, bzip2, and regular expressions

A Practical Guide to Linux Commands, Editors, and Shell Programming 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載

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A Practical Guide to Linux Commands, Editors, and Shell Programming 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載

A Practical Guide to Linux Commands, Editors, and Shell Programming 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載

A Practical Guide to Linux Commands, Editors, and Shell Programming 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載

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A Practical Guide to Linux Commands, Editors, and Shell Programming pdf epub mobi 讀後感


本來想買第一版的,因為根據我的經驗,多人翻譯的書一般質量不高,但第一版已經買不到瞭。果然不齣所料,翻譯質量不佳,整書製作粗糙,這也是國內翻譯計算機書的通病,毛躁,急功近利,不是以做精品的態度來齣書。 誰有第一版的書?  


推薦下。 我剛畢業時看過的。 當時挺有收獲的。 現在很久沒翻過瞭,但一直在那, linux相關的基礎學完這本就紮實瞭。 強烈推薦新接觸linux的同學閱讀。 由於環境和習慣差彆。建議有選擇的分重點和暫時不需要看的分彆對待。  


十小時掌握Linux命令和Shell編程 課程觀看地址:http://www.xuetuwuyou.com/course/61 課程介紹 一、課程使用到的軟件及版本: Centos6.5 + VMware 10 二、課程設計到的技術點: 命令大全詳解、Shell編程和案例分享、Crontab調度詳解 三、學完課程之後,您可以: ①...  


用Linux,總的來說就兩種情況,一是單純的使用,或許是想嘗鮮,抑或是裝13,都可以,另一種就是學習。 使用和學習可以說是相通的,既然選擇的瞭linux,不管是齣於什麽目的,就開始瞭學習。不學習,想要玩兒轉它,還真不是那麼好玩的轉的。學習有兩個方嚮,一是因為使...  


推薦下。 我剛畢業時看過的。 當時挺有收獲的。 現在很久沒翻過瞭,但一直在那, linux相關的基礎學完這本就紮實瞭。 強烈推薦新接觸linux的同學閱讀。 由於環境和習慣差彆。建議有選擇的分重點和暫時不需要看的分彆對待。  

類似圖書 點擊查看全場最低價
作者:Sobell, Mark G.
價格:$ 56.49

圖書標籤: linux  programming  Linux/Unix  Shell  CS   

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