Ivanhoe 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
司各特的书妙趣横生,文学价值与可读性均高,这一本更是好读得很 而最有趣的是序,充满特定时期的意识形态,由于马克思著作中批驳过狮心王理查,所以司各特在书中将理查塑造为正面形象这一点被作序者大加抨击,被冠以意识形态之类的大帽子,虽然司各特在书中清楚的写到理查是一...
评分 评分 评分上班头几年在宿舍住,工会有个小图书馆,里面都是旧书,有次借了《红酋罗伯》,发现司各特写的小说很精彩,我是把它当外国武侠看的,之后又看了《艾凡赫》《皇家猎宫》《爱丁堡监狱》《医生的女儿》,《清教徒》忘了看没看过,凡是能找到的司各特小说我都看了,我觉得他的...
图书标签: 英文原版 小说
In Ivanhoe Scott fashioned an imperial myth of national cultural identity that has shaped the popular imagination ever since its first appearance at the end of 1819. With the secret return of King Richard and the disinherited Saxon knight Ivanhoe, Scott confronts his splendid and tumultuous romance, featuring the tournament at Ashby-de- la-Zouche, the siege of Torquilstone, and the clash of wills between the wicked Templar Bois-Guilbert and the sublime Rebecca. Based on the 1830 text of Ivanhoe, this is the first edition to make corrections against Scott's working materials and incorporates readings from Scott's own manuscript.
Ivanhoe 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
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