约翰·罗纳德·鲁埃尔·托尔金(J.R.R.Tolkien, 1892-1973)是英国牛津大学教授,古英语专家,但他又写了不少小说,其中最著名的作品是《霍比特人》(又译作《小矮人历险记》)和《魔戒》。
The Two Towers 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
1.人物平面 所有的人除了Gollum外性格都没有变化和深度,如同中世纪祭坛画一样面无表情地在故事中出现,完成在神剧中的预定任务后又安详地下场。特别是Faramir这个人物,不真实得令人发指,连魔戒的力量都能抵抗。描写他的时候又明显使用了一些基督教君王的原型。整个人物仿佛...
评分故事在发展,旅程还在继续。 远征队这时已是分开,前往摩多的弗罗多和山姆;牵制萨鲁曼的阿拉贡,勒苟拉斯,金岭,皮聘和梅里。 team spirit 是他们在众多战争中,以少敌众。
评分第一部看的原版,觉得书和电影有着不一样的风格,节奏不温不火,但是引人入胜,情节慢慢展开,如同抽丝剥茧,感觉相当好。 第二部看的就是这本,翻译得实在很烂。觉得译者一定是比我大上十岁,没有用心翻译,而且对奇幻作品一定没什么感觉。名字翻译比较怪异我也忍了,人名不...
评分其实这种小说分在科幻类里都有些勉强。因为只有幻想没有科学嘛。 中外科幻不一样之处在这能看出区别。西方东方写到古代文明时都是以自己大陆所发生的为背景。 指环王背景是中世纪战争。使用冷兵器及初级火器。正邪两方较量。只不过小说中把邪恶一方作了异种处理,...
评分图书标签: 小说 魔幻 英国 文学 Tolkien 魔戒 英文原版 好书推荐
Continuing the story of The Hobbit, this is the second part of Tolkien's epic masterpiece, The Lord of the Rings, featuring an exclusive cover image from the film, the definitive text, and a detailed map of Middle-earth. Frodo and the Companions of the Ring have been beset by danger during their quest to prevent the Ruling Ring from falling into the hands of the Dark Lord by destroying it in the Cracks of Doom. They have lost the wizard, Gandalf, in the battle with an evil spirit in the Mines of Moria; and at the Falls of Rauros, Boromir, seduced by the power of the Ring, tried to seize it by force. While Frodo and Sam made their escape the rest of the company were attacked by Orcs. Now they continue their journey alone down the great River Anduin - alone, that is, save for the mysterious creeping figure that follows wherever they go. To celebrate the release of the first of Peter Jackson's two-part film adaptation of The Hobbit, THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY, this second part of The Lord of the Rings is available for a limited time with an exclusive cover image from Peter Jackson's award-winning trilogy.
The Two Towers 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书