Fawzia Koofi is Afghanistan's first female Parliament speaker and a noted activist for women and children’s rights. Her forthcoming book THE FAVORED DAUGHTER will be released January 3rd, 2012 by Palgrave.
Koofi is currently a leading candidate for the presidential elections in 2014 and has been quoted by the BBC, Time, The Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, CNN, The Globe and Mail, and many others. Koofi was selected as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum in 2009. Before getting elected to Parliament, Koofi was employed by UNICEF as a child protection officer from 2002 through 2004.
The mother of two girls, she lives in Kabul.
In this courageous memoir, Fawzia Koofi, Afghanistan's most popular female politician, gives us her first-hand account of Afghan history through the rule of the Mujahedeen and Taliban, her experiences of the Afghanistan War, and the effects of these events on the lives of women in Afghanistan. In writing Letters to My Daughters, Fawziahas created a fresh take on Afghan society and Islam, and a gripping account of a life lived under the most harrowing of circumstances.
Fawziais the nineteenth child of twenty-three in a family with seven wives. Her father was an incorruptible politician strongly attached to Afghan tradition. When he was murdered by the Mujahedeen, Fawziais illiterate mother escaped with her children and decided to send the ten-year-old Fawziato school. As the civil war raged, Fawziadodged bullets and snipers to attend class, determined to be the first person in her family to receive an education.
Fawziawent on to marry a man she loved, and they had two cherished daughters, Shohra and Shaharzad. Sadly, the arrival of the Taliban spelled an end to Fawzia's freedom. Outraged and deeply saddened by the injustice she saw around her, and by the tainting of her Islamic faith, she discovered politics for herself, following in her father's footsteps. Tragically, this choice has lead to security threats to her life by Islamic extremists. Thus, Letters to My Daughtersis not only a record of her life, but also acts as a literal letter through which Fawzia can pass on her wisdom about justice and dignity to her daughters, not knowing for how long she will survive such attacks.
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評分阿富汗,應該是一提起就讓人覺得驚心動魄的國傢之一吧。在這之前,雖然在電視新聞裏聽到過諸如塔利班、基地組織、什葉派的詞,這個國傢對我而言,就是永遠齣現在新聞聯播後10分鍾水深火熱裏的那一類:戰亂、貧窮、宗教爭端。 這本書也讓我想起不久前看的有關朝鮮的一本書——...
評分文_謝長留 又是一部描述曆史事件與時代主題的書,不同以往的是,這是一個經曆瞭戰火硝煙,從瓦礫碎片中挺拔而齣的真實經曆之樹。這棵樹也許沒有《燦爛韆陽》那麼跌宕起伏,充滿玄妙;行文言辭也不像花一樣絢麗流暢。這棵樹給人感覺蒼老、幾近磨難舉步維艱,但它卻仍能讓讀者的...
評分阿富汗,應該是一提起就讓人覺得驚心動魄的國傢之一吧。在這之前,雖然在電視新聞裏聽到過諸如塔利班、基地組織、什葉派的詞,這個國傢對我而言,就是永遠齣現在新聞聯播後10分鍾水深火熱裏的那一類:戰亂、貧窮、宗教爭端。 這本書也讓我想起不久前看的有關朝鮮的一本書——...
評分幾年前看的一本書瞭,看評論有很多詬病的,個人來說是很喜歡這本書瞭,不過世界上所有的東西又不全是人民幣,不指望所有人喜歡。 我喜歡這本書,是因為我覺得它很值啊。一本書,我可以瞭解中東的風俗人情,還有伊拉剋戰爭時期的緊張局勢,還能看到驚心動魄的愛情,血濃於水的親...
圖書標籤: 外國文學 英文版 memoir 傳記 外國文學,英文版,文學,名著,作傢 politician female courageous
Aim for the stars. That way, if you fall, you land on the tops of the trees. If not then all you see is the bottom of the branches.
評分Lucky to be born in 1990’s. It got me think what is my calling ...
評分Lucky to be born in 1990’s. It got me think what is my calling ...
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