Cay S.Horstmann是圣何塞州大学计算机科学系教授。他曾经是Preview Systems公司的副总裁和首席技术官,曾任许多大型公司、大学和组织的C++、Java与因特网编程顾问。
Gary Cornell曾经撰写或与人合著过20多本计算机畅销书。他是Brown大学的博士,在IBM的Watson实验室做过访问科学家,曾任康沓狄格大学的教授。
Core Java, Volume II (9th Edition) 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
武林至尊,宝刀屠龙,号令天下,莫敢不从,倚天不出,谁与争锋? 如果说“java核心技术卷1”是那屠龙刀,那么这本“java核心技术卷2”就是这倚天剑;绝对是java兵器谱上的必选书籍。 如此高深的技术书我还能保持轻松愉悦的阅读心情,真的是少有,将复杂而庞大的知识体系却如此...
评分整体上说,这并不是大部头,并没有必要从头一章章的啃到尾,如果慢慢啃的话,就有点得不偿失了,获得的知识弥补不了所消耗的时间。 虽然书很厚,但是可看的其实并不多,后面的索引和书中的API列举也占了不少篇幅,当我读到80%不到的时候,发现就已经完了。 如该书的副标题所示...
评分卷二虽然是高级特性,但是其中的io、文件系统、正则表达式、网络、jdbc也是日常编程中非常常用的组件,不可不看。 个人认为这套书的组织比较混乱,如果把第二本的那三章重要的部分放进第一本,第一本的图形编程放到第二版,会更好一点。
图书标签: 编程 英文原版 编程语言 程序设计
Fully updated to reflect Java SE 7 language changes, Core Java(r), Volume II-Advanced Features, Ninth Edition, is the definitive guide to Java's most powerful features for enterprise and desktop application development. Designed for serious programmers, this reliable, unbiased, no-nonsense tutorial illuminates advanced Java language and library features with thoroughly tested code examples. As in previous editions, all code is easy to understand and displays modern best-practice solutions to the realworld challenges faced by professional developers. Volume II quickly brings you up-to-speed on key Java SE 7 enhancements, ranging from the new file I/O API to improved concurrency utilities. All code examples are updated to reflect these enhancements. Complete descriptions of new language and platform features are highlighted and integrated with insightful explanations of advanced Java programming techniques. You'll learn all you need to build robust production software with * Streams, files, and regular expressions * XML * Networking * Database programming facilities * JNDI/LDAP directory integration * Internationalization * Advanced Swing techniques * JavaBeans components * Web services * Advanced platform security features * Annotations * Distributed objects * Native methods, and more For detailed coverage of fundamental Java SE 7 features, including objects, classes, inheritance, interfaces, reflection, events, exceptions, graphics, Swing, generics, collections, concurrency, and debugging, look for Core Java(TM), Volume I-Fundamentals, Ninth Edition (ISBN-13: 978-0-13-708189-9).
Core Java, Volume II (9th Edition) 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书