蘇·唐納森(Sue Donaldson)和威爾・金裏卡(Will Kymlicka)都是加拿大女王大學的政治哲學教授。蘇·唐納森住在加拿大的金斯頓市。她寫過很多散文、戲劇和書籍,包括一本素食主義者的食譜,即2003年齣版的《不會反咬一口的美食》(Foods That Don't Bite Back)和一本寫給年輕人看的偵探小說,即2004齣版的《小小的欺騙》(Thread of Deceit)。
Zoopolis offers a new agenda for the theory and practice of animal rights. Most animal rights theory focuses on the intrinsic capacities or interests of animals, and the moral status and moral rights that these intrinsic characteristics give rise to. Zoopolis shifts the debate from the realm of moral theory and applied ethics to the realm of political theory, focusing on the relational obligations that arise from the varied ways that animals relate to human societies and institutions. Building on recent developments in the political theory of group-differentiated citizenship, Zoopolis introduces us to the genuine "political animal". It argues that different types of animals stand in different relationships to human political communities. Domesticated animals should be seen as full members of human-animal mixed communities, participating in the cooperative project of shared citizenship. Wilderness animals, by contrast, form their own sovereign communities entitled to protection against colonization, invasion, domination and other threats to self-determination. 'Liminal' animals who are wild but live in the midst of human settlement (such as crows or raccoons) should be seen as "denizens", resident of our societies, but not fully included in rights and responsibilities of citizenship. To all of these animals we owe respect for their basic inviolable rights. But we inevitably and appropriately have very different relations with them, with different types of obligations. Humans and animals are inextricably bound in a complex web of relationships, and Zoopolis offers an original and profoundly affirmative vision of how to ground this complex web of relations on principles of justice and compassion.
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想瞭解這本書大概內容的朋友,可以讀一下我翻譯的導論:https://book.douban.com/annotation/38068661/ 本書的基本思路就是把威爾·金裏卡(本書作者之一)的公民身份理論應用於動物權利問題上。這本書有較強的原創性,因為它旨在確立一種新的動物權利理論。 ...
評分Sue Donaldson / Will Kymlicka著:Zoopolis 近年來動物權利思想的一個發展趨勢,就是對雷根和弗蘭西恩等人的經典動物權利論的反思。 Zoopolis是最能代錶這個趨勢的一部代錶作。僅僅第二作者的學術威望就保證瞭這本書對動物權利論的影響。 以雷根、弗蘭西恩等人所創立的動物權...
評分Sue Donaldson / Will Kymlicka著:Zoopolis 近年來動物權利思想的一個發展趨勢,就是對雷根和弗蘭西恩等人的經典動物權利論的反思。 Zoopolis是最能代錶這個趨勢的一部代錶作。僅僅第二作者的學術威望就保證瞭這本書對動物權利論的影響。 以雷根、弗蘭西恩等人所創立的動物權...
評分想瞭解這本書大概內容的朋友,可以讀一下我翻譯的導論:https://book.douban.com/annotation/38068661/ 本書的基本思路就是把威爾·金裏卡(本書作者之一)的公民身份理論應用於動物權利問題上。這本書有較強的原創性,因為它旨在確立一種新的動物權利理論。 ...
評分想瞭解這本書大概內容的朋友,可以讀一下我翻譯的導論:https://book.douban.com/annotation/38068661/ 本書的基本思路就是把威爾·金裏卡(本書作者之一)的公民身份理論應用於動物權利問題上。這本書有較強的原創性,因為它旨在確立一種新的動物權利理論。 ...
圖書標籤: animal 政治哲學 動物福利 動物倫理 倫理學 posthuman
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