哈克贝里.费恩历险记 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
你顺流而下,印第安是你的终点;我逆流而上,自由的美国梦是我的目标。我知道那就是你。虽然你来自1844年的马克吐温笔下,可你还是四年前我遇到你的样子——穿着大人丢掉的破衣服,肥肥大大包裹着你瘦弱的身躯,那顶大大的破帽子,边儿上有很宽的新月形帽檐耷拉着。 ...
评分Hemingway had once said The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn was the best novel in the history of American literature at that time.I admire him since he had won the Nobel Price ,a symbol of kind of authority.From the Internet,I also learned that the story...
评分 评分花了一个星期的业余时间读完这本书,算是圆了少年时的一个想法。 虽然是哈克的历险记,但是在书的末尾,汤姆·沙耶作为嘉宾亦前来捧场,隆重上演了“营救吉姆”的好戏。故事的结局令人感慨万端,亦感到轻松愉快。 马克·吐温给我们描绘了细腻的、风情万种的密西西比河,两岸...
图书标签: 马克·吐温 儿童文学 经典 外国文学 名著
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a novel written by Mark Twain. In this book, a boy named Huckleberry Finn was brave and experienced lots of adventures. The other main Characters were Jim, the King, the Duke and Tom Sawyer. The book has a happy ending in that the black slave Jim was saved and praised by people.
评分The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a novel written by Mark Twain. In this book, a boy named Huckleberry Finn was brave and experienced lots of adventures. The other main Characters were Jim, the King, the Duke and Tom Sawyer. The book has a happy ending in that the black slave Jim was saved and praised by people.
评分The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a novel written by Mark Twain. In this book, a boy named Huckleberry Finn was brave and experienced lots of adventures. The other main Characters were Jim, the King, the Duke and Tom Sawyer. The book has a happy ending in that the black slave Jim was saved and praised by people.
哈克贝里.费恩历险记 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书