Alain de Botton was born in 1969. He is the author of Essays in Love (1993), The Romantic Movement (1994), Kiss and Tell (1995), How Proust Can Change Your Life (1997), The Consolations of Philosophy (2000), The Art of Travel (2002) and Status Anxiety (2004).
We all worry about what others think of us. We all long to succeed and fear failure. We all suffer --- to a greater or lesser degree, usually privately and with embarassment --- from status anxiety.
For the first time, Alain de Botton gives a name to this universal condition and sets out to investigate both its origins and possible solutions. He looks at history, philosophy, economics, art and politics --- and reveals the many ingenious ways that great minds have overcome their worries. The result is a book that is not only entertaining and thought-provoking --- but genuinely wise and helpful as well.
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評分焦慮起因: 1)可就身份; 2)勢力傾嚮; 3)過度渴望; 4)精英崇拜; 5)製約因素; 實質是對愛的渴望。 解決方法: 1)哲學(理性循世); 2)藝術(繪畫尊重); 3)政治(身份理想); 4)宗教(眾生皆苦...
評分地位的焦慮 譯文的德波頓係列一直打的是纔子牌。拿之於普魯斯特、濛田、王爾德相比,廣告詞更不忘捎帶上張愛玲的佳句。我也一直深信不疑,沉浸在第一次他拿概率來解釋與前女友相遇之不易所帶來的shake裏,直到最近入手的兩本新作《身份的焦慮》和《幸福的建築》。 身份一詞,對...
評分地位的焦慮 譯文的德波頓係列一直打的是纔子牌。拿之於普魯斯特、濛田、王爾德相比,廣告詞更不忘捎帶上張愛玲的佳句。我也一直深信不疑,沉浸在第一次他拿概率來解釋與前女友相遇之不易所帶來的shake裏,直到最近入手的兩本新作《身份的焦慮》和《幸福的建築》。 身份一詞,對...
評分孫仲旭 英國作傢阿蘭·德波頓這個名字,總是和“纔子”聯係在一起,沒讀他的書可能人覺得不以為然,然後一讀之下,必然會體會到“纔子”一詞所言不虛。讀德波頓的書很有閱讀快感,他的文筆天馬行空,旁徵博引,而且往往一語中的、新見迭齣,而且藉助圖錶、插圖等,讓書整體上...
圖書標籤: AlainDeBotton 哲學 阿蘭·德波頓 心理學 英文原版 焦慮 psychology status
評分The real fact is that man in the beginning was ordained to rule over woman: and this is eternal decree which we have no right and no power to alter.
評分Enjoy reading the book, though I still anxious about my status after reading it.
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