丹·布朗(Dan Brown)是美國當今最著名的暢銷書作傢之一。他2003年3月齣版的《達·芬奇密碼》創造瞭一個書市奇跡,鏇風般地橫掃瞭美國各大暢銷書榜,連續數十周高居《紐約時報》暢銷書榜首,全球銷量已超過800萬冊。丹·布朗也憑這部小說而大紅大紫。《數字城堡》是丹·布朗的長篇懸念驚悚小說處女作,其創作靈感來自於一個真實的事件。丹·布朗還創作瞭《天使與魔鬼》、《圈套》等小說,可以說本本都很叫座。
Before the multi-million, runaway bestseller "The Da Vinci Code," Dan Brown set his razor-sharp research and storytelling skills on the most powerful intelligence organization on earth--the National Security Agency (NSA), an ultra-secret, multibillion-dollar agency many times more powerful than the CIA. When the NSA's invincible code-breaking machine encounters a mysterious code it cannot break, the agency calls its head cryptographer, Susan Fletcher, a brilliant and beautiful mathematician. What she uncovers sends shock waves through the corridors of power. The NSA is being held hostage...not by guns or bombs, but by a code so ingeniously complex that if released it would cripple U.S. intelligence. Caught in an accelerating tempest of secrecy and lies, Susan Fletcher battles to save the agency she believes in. Betrayed on all sides, she finds herself fighting not only for her country but for her life, and in the end, for the life of the man she loves. From the underground hallways of power to the skyscrapers of Tokyo to the towering cathedrals of Spain, a desperate race unfolds. It is a battle for survival--a crucial bid to destroy a creation of inconceivable genius...an impregnable code-writing formula that threatens to obliterate the post-cold war balance of power. Forever.
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評分讀《數字城堡》 作者丹•布朗似乎很喜歡運用鏡頭式的敘述方式。因為看他每一小節的內容都像是看每個鏡頭在不停的變換,有時甚至在一個小節裏數次頻繁而快節奏地變換敘事主體。我閱讀時覺得自己好像總是跳來跳去的,跟著不同綫索遞進,這種遞進讓我快速進入敘述的意境。 《數...
評分大學時候買的書, 到現在有六七年時間瞭,中間有很多很多次想看,總是看瞭前麵三四頁就看不下去瞭,覺著這本書寫的真是亂七八糟。後來一狠心,使勁往後看瞭幾頁,結果一發不可收拾!越看越著迷!根本停不住!坐公交看,走路看,中午吃飯看,晚上不睡看!簡直走火入魔瞭!非常好...
評分丹哥哥的處女作。 坐地鐵上兩天就看完瞭。 像我這種對二進製隻懂皮毛的人完全看不齣技術方麵的硬傷。 但是就小說本身來說,角色設計的不是很鮮明。 如果捂住作者的名字猛地一看,我會斷定是瑪麗蘇類型的偵探解密小說。人人看見女主的第一眼就愛上瞭,高潮解密部分還不如最...
評分對於他的創作曆程,在譯者序裏談到: 據他(作者)本人講,在大學讀書的時候,他幾乎沒讀過幾本當代小說,看的基本都是經典著作。1994年,他在塔希提島度假,在海灘上無意中發現瞭一本謝爾頓的《末日追殺》。他花幾小時讀完之後,認為自己也能寫這種小說。度假迴傢後,他...
圖書標籤: DanBrown 英文原版 小說 英語學習 英文 暢銷 懸疑 懸疑
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