The story of Huck's escape from his brutal father and the relationship that grows between him and Jim, a slave fleeing an even more brutal oppression, proved enormously influential in the development of American literature.
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這本書,我都忘瞭我看瞭幾遍。小時候,每當媽媽不讓我齣去玩,又不想做作業的時候,我就看這書。以前很嚮往哈剋貝利的生活,不用讀書,可以去流浪。最喜歡的是,那個笨笨的黑人吉姆,他會讓我想起《貓和老鼠》裏的湯姆。 在看《湯姆索亞曆險記》的時候,我就很喜歡他...
評分Hemingway had once said The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn was the best novel in the history of American literature at that time.I admire him since he had won the Nobel Price ,a symbol of kind of authority.From the Internet,I also learned that the story...
評分哈剋 我的自由 “我沒怎麼睡著。因為心裏有事,我老睡不踏實。我每迴醒過來,都以為有人掐住瞭我的脖子。所以睡覺對我並沒有什麼好處。到後來我想我決不能這樣活下去;我要去看看到底是誰跟我一起藏在島上;我非把這件事弄清楚不可。這樣一來,我馬上輕鬆多瞭。” 之所以喜愛...
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