T·J·比尼恩(1936—2004),沃德姆學院的高級研究員;畢業於牛津大學現代語專業;曾在利茲大學 、牛津大學教授俄國文學;《普希金傳》是他創作的第一本傳記,榮獲由英國 BBC 主辦的塞繆爾 · 約翰遜非虛構類作品奬。其他作品如:偵探小說史《謀殺動機暴露》以及驚險小說《天鵝之歌》和《希臘禮物》也為其贏得瞭眾多好評。
In the course of his short, dramatic life, Aleksandr Pushkin gave Russia not only its greatest poetry–including the novel-in-verse Eugene Onegin –but a new literary language. He also gave it a figure of enduring romantic allure–fiery, restless, extravagant, a prodigal gambler and inveterate seducer of women. Having forged a dazzling, controversial career that cost him the enmity of one tsar and won him the patronage of another, he died at the age of thirty-eight, following a duel with a French officer who was paying unscrupulous attention to his wife.
In his magnificent, prizewinning Pushkin , T. J. Binyon lifts the veil of the iconic poet’s myth to reveal the complexity and pathos of his life while brilliantly evoking Russia in all its nineteenth-century splendor. Combining exemplary scholarship with the pace and detail of a great novel, Pushkin elevates biography to a work of art.
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近年來很少見到這樣好的傳記作品瞭. 描寫瞭普希金作為一個人與詩人的各個側麵,再現瞭那個時代的俄羅斯文壇.是普希金迷們不能錯過的作品.
評分近年來很少見到這樣好的傳記作品瞭. 描寫瞭普希金作為一個人與詩人的各個側麵,再現瞭那個時代的俄羅斯文壇.是普希金迷們不能錯過的作品.
評分近年來很少見到這樣好的傳記作品瞭. 描寫瞭普希金作為一個人與詩人的各個側麵,再現瞭那個時代的俄羅斯文壇.是普希金迷們不能錯過的作品.
評分近年來很少見到這樣好的傳記作品瞭. 描寫瞭普希金作為一個人與詩人的各個側麵,再現瞭那個時代的俄羅斯文壇.是普希金迷們不能錯過的作品.
評分近年來很少見到這樣好的傳記作品瞭. 描寫瞭普希金作為一個人與詩人的各個側麵,再現瞭那個時代的俄羅斯文壇.是普希金迷們不能錯過的作品.
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