The Medici Effect 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
????????美第奇效应 在 15世纪的意大利???????? 有一个很有钱????的家族叫:美第奇家族 他们做了一笔很厉害的投资!!! 出资让不同学科的专家:银行家????、画家????????????、雕塑家????、文学家、科学家????????????、老人家……聚集在弗洛伦萨一起学习????、玩耍...
评分????????美第奇效应 在 15世纪的意大利???????? 有一个很有钱????的家族叫:美第奇家族 他们做了一笔很厉害的投资!!! 出资让不同学科的专家:银行家????、画家????????????、雕塑家????、文学家、科学家????????????、老人家……聚集在弗洛伦萨一起学习????、玩耍...
评分别人想得到,你呢? 别人做得到,你呢? 别人想到并行动,那你呢? 查理·芒格说过:“获取普世的智慧,并相应的调整你的行为。即使你的特立独行让你在人群中不受欢迎……那就随他们去吧。” 现在来说一说,来自瑞典作者弗朗斯·约翰松的书籍《思维不设限》的交叉点。 什么是交...
评分小冒坚持原创的510天 在努力进行思维重建。 (一)从“迷因学”到“病毒式营销”——源自生物进化学著作《自私的基因》? 著名的理查德·道金斯在1976年出版的著作《自私的基因》一书中,首次提出进化并非产生于物种或生物体之间,而是产生于基因,这些基因是自私的,很多我们...
图书标签: 跨界 商业 管理 修身 交互设计 Leuven
Enter Innovation's Most Fertile Breeding Ground Why is it that so many world-changing insights come from people with little or no related experience? Charles Darwin, after all, was a geologist when he proposed the theory of evolution. And it was an astronomer who finally explained what happened to the dinosaurs. Frans Johansson argues that breakthrough ideas most often occur when we bring concepts from one field into new, unfamiliar territory. In this space-which Johansson calls "the Intersection"-established ideas clash and combine with insights from other fields, disciplines, and cultures, resulting in an explosion of totally new ideas. The Medici Effect -referring to a remarkable burst of creativity in Florence during the Renaissance -shows us how to get to the Intersection and how we can turn the ideas we discover there into pathbreaking innovations. From the insight that created the first Cherokee written language to the ideas that enabled scientists to read the mind of a monkey- The Medici Effect is filled with vivid stories of intersections across domains as diverse as business, science, art, and politics. Johansson reveals the core principles-including breaking down associative barriers, routinely combining unlike concepts, and executing past your failures-that can enable individuals, teams, and entire organizations to create their own "Medici effects" in any arena of work and life.
读文理学院的原因之一就是自己的人生能时不时受到Medici Effect的恩惠
评分读文理学院的原因之一就是自己的人生能时不时受到Medici Effect的恩惠
评分读文理学院的原因之一就是自己的人生能时不时受到Medici Effect的恩惠
评分读文理学院的原因之一就是自己的人生能时不时受到Medici Effect的恩惠
评分读文理学院的原因之一就是自己的人生能时不时受到Medici Effect的恩惠
The Medici Effect 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书