楊腓力(Philip Yancey),美國當代作傢、編輯。三十多年來,他憑藉純熟的文字和過人的洞察力,誠懇深入地探討信仰和生活中的艱難和睏惑,影響瞭超過1500萬讀者。他的作品曾12次獲得美國ECPA年度圖書金奬,並被翻譯成25種文字,流傳到世界各國。代錶作有《恩典多奇異》、《耶穌真貌》、《無語問上帝》、《有話問蒼天》等。楊腓力是Christianity Today雜誌的主編。
Philip Yancey, whose explorations of faith have made him a guide for millions of readers, feels no need to defend the church. "When someone tells me yet another horror story about the church, I respond, 'Oh, it's even worse than that. Let me tell you my story.'I have spent most of my life in recovery from the church."
Yancey acknowledges that many spiritual seekers find few answers and little solace in the institutional church. "I have met many people, and heard from many more, who have gone through a similar process of mining truth from their religious past: Roman Catholics who flinch whenever they see a nun or priest, former Seventh Day Adventists who cannot drink a cup of coffee without a stab of guilt, Mennonites who worry whether wedding rings give evidence of worldliness."
How did Yancey manage to survive spiritually despite early encounters with a racist, legalistic church that he now views as almost cultic? In this, his most soul-searching book yet, he probes that very question. He tells the story of his own struggle to reclaim belief, interwoven with inspiring portraits of notable people from all walks of life, whom he calls his spiritual directors. Soul Survivor is his tribute to thirteen remarkable individuals, mentors who transformed his life and work.
Besides recalling their effect on him, Yancey also provides fresh glimpses of the lives and faith journeys of each one. From the scatterbrained journalist G. K. Chesterton to the tortured novelists Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, to contemporaries such as Martin Luther King, Jr., Annie Dillard, and Robert Coles, Yancey gives inspiring portraits of those who modeled for him a life-enhancing rather than a life-constricting faith.
"I became a writer, I now believe, to sort out and reclaim words used and misused by the Christians of my youth," Yancey says. "These are the people who ushered me into the Kingdom. In many ways they are why I remain a Christian today, and I want to introduce them to other spiritual seekers."
Soul Survivor offers illuminating insights that will enrich the lives of veteran believers and cautious seekers alike. Yancey's own story, unveiled here as never before, is a beacon for those who seek to rejuvenate their faith, and for those who are still longing for something to have faith in.
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如果有一本書,曾打開我屬靈閱讀之門,我會亳不猶疑地推介<<靈魂倖存者>>。 2002年2月當我迴到基督信仰已大學畢業後十一年後之事,其間我甚少閱讀。又同年7月我獨自來到上海工作,沒有老師、牧者和教會的我,就靠啃書來明白信仰。楊腓力是我最早接觸的作傢之一,但...
評分靈魂的幸存者,我們強調靈魂的活力和張力。 而遲鈍在於擴大的物質生活的纏纍。 好像一棵大樹,雜草叢生,卻以為它是陪伴者 捨棄一些東西,卻是給靈魂的鬆綁 甘地,是一個政治領袖麼,他更是一個跟隨者 在這本書中,他的事跡給我巨大的影響,我們似乎 無法去好好想一想...
評分對於楊腓力的書每次都是深受大傢的喜歡,從《無語問上帝》《神的傑作》到現在《靈魂幸存者》,讓我真正知道瞭基督徒生命真的是充實而又蠻有恩典的。這本書幫助我們更深入地內省我們的信仰,更真實地麵對我們的生命。 恩光書社 www.enguang.com
評分對於楊腓力的書每次都是深受大傢的喜歡,從《無語問上帝》《神的傑作》到現在《靈魂幸存者》,讓我真正知道瞭基督徒生命真的是充實而又蠻有恩典的。這本書幫助我們更深入地內省我們的信仰,更真實地麵對我們的生命。 恩光書社 www.enguang.com
評分看瞭花生小胖的評論,喜歡她的語言風格,於是,買來一讀(還在讀),不過一讀就同樣喜歡上楊腓力的錶述方式;喜歡這樣的思維方式; 裏麵沒有調侃,沒有賣弄(不知為什麼寫下這點時,腦海裏卻是在和王朔的文字比較,連自己都覺得莫名其妙), 滿是反思和真誠,(西方文化中特有...
圖書標籤: 基督教 非虛構 信仰
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