威廉·欧奈尔,(William J.ONeil),欧奈尔是华尔街经验最丰富、最成功的资深投资人之一。他21岁白手起家,30岁时就买下纽约证券交易所的席次,并在洛杉矶创办执专业投资机构之牛耳的威廉·欧奈尔公司。他目前是全球600位基金经理的投资顾问,并且担任资产超过2亿美元的新美国共同基金的基金经理,也是《投资者商业日报》的创办人。该报成长迅速,是《华尔街日报》的主要竞争对手。
The Successful Investor 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
这么书也慢慢改变我的选择股票的观点。 书就是技术+基本面结合的方式去选股。作者称为CAN SLIM CAN SLIM ● C代表当季每股收益:越高越好。 ● A代表年度收益增长率:找出增长最为引人注目的股票。 ● N代表新公司、新产品、新管理层、股价新高:选择正确时机买入。 ● S代表供...
评分 评分趁着牛市的时候,我读了一批股票投资的书,虽然也在4月初开了许,但始终是门外的观望者。 《巴菲特如何选择超级明星股》是刘健位写的书,总结了巴菲特投资的特点、方法。股神成功自由其独到之处,但是否适合大众投资另当别论,毕竟后期的巴菲特掌控的资金投资股票的力度非常人...
评分 评分本书的核心内容是要追逐股市(行业)领头羊,并不惜在较高的点位进入。可以说大方向没错。 书中的大多数列子都来自上世纪末本世纪初的纳斯达克泡沫,人类有史以来在股市中最赚钱的时代。当然后来的泡沫破灭也是损失最惨重的时刻。让我想起了目前轰轰烈烈的创业板行情,虽然受制...
图书标签: 金融 投资 股票 交易 trading 找到 价值投资 financial-markets
FROM THE AUTHOR OF THE BUSINESSWEEK , USA TODAY , AND WALL STREET JOURNAL BUSINESS BESTSELLER HOW TO MAKE MONEY IN STOCKS! Simple-to-follow strategies for making--and keeping--profits in today's perilous stock market More than 80 million investors lost 50 to 80 percent of their savings in the recent stock market crash. Investor's Business Daily publisher William J. O'Neil, however, was one of the first to see--and warn investors about--the dangers inherent in what had been, up to that point, a historic bull market run. Those who followed his counsel were able to sidestep devastating losses and emerge with their sizable bull market profits largely intact. In The Successful Investor, O'Neil steps up to tell all investors how they can make money and, more important, avoid losses in up markets, down markets, and everything in between. Showing how mistakes made in the recent market collapse were amazingly similar to those made in previous down cycles, O'Neil reveals simple steps investors can follow to avoid costly mistakes and: Buy only the best stocks at only the best times Follow a market-tested 3-to-1 Profit-and-Loss Percentage Plan Know when to sell for the biggest possible profit Recognize chart patterns that presage enormous market moves Manage a portfolio over time to maximize its returns William O'Neil has succeeded in virtually every market environment by following a stable, nonemotional investment plan. In his latest book, O'Neil explains how anyone can follow that plan to become a profitable long-term investor, regardless of market tides or turns. The Successful Investor will bring reason and welcome relief to all investors buffeted and bewildered by the perils and uncertainty of today's stock market.
Fear, respect, and obey the market. Lose your pride, ego and opinion. Have strict sell rules and the discipline to execute them.
评分Fear, respect, and obey the market. Lose your pride, ego and opinion. Have strict sell rules and the discipline to execute them.
The Successful Investor 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书