About the Author
Jostein Gaarder is the author of SOPHIE'S WORLD, a huge bestseller in over 40 countries. He was born in Oslo in 1952 and lives there now with his wife and two teenage sons. Joss Ackland has had a distinguished acting career on stage, film and in television. Stage successes include Falstaff in Henry IV, both Captain Hook and Mr Darling in Peter Pan, Jorrocks in Jorrocks, Peron in Evita and Frederick in A Little Night Music. His films include White Mischief, The Sicillian and Lethal Weapon. His hundreds of television appearances include most famously CS Lewis in Shadowlands and Alan Holly in First And Last, both of which won Emmy and BAFTA awards. He has been a subject of This Is Your Life and Desert Island Discs.
Book Description
A chance meeting on the Fijian island of Taveuni is the trigger for a fascinating and mysterious novel that intertwines the stories of John Spooke, an English author who is grieving for his dead wife; Frank Andersen, a Norwegian evolutionary biologist estranged from his wife Vera; and an enigmatic Spanish couple, Ana and Jose, who are absorbed in their love for each other. Their stories are so strewn with mysteries and illusions that it is hard to say where one ends and the next begins, or if the accounts the characters give of themselves can be believed. Why does Ana bear such a close resemblance to the model for Goya's famous Maja paintings? What is the significance of the Joker as he steps out of his pack of cards? As the action moves from Fiji to Spain, from the present to the past, unfolding further stories within the stories, the novel reveals an astonishing richness and complexity. Maya debates and unravels the questions that give meaning to the lives of the characters – and to our own. At the same time it explores our ideas of the necessity for love. As bold and imaginative in its sweep as Sophie's World, it shows again that Jostein Gaarder's unique and special gift is to make us wonder at the awe-inspiring mystery of the universe.
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轉瞬之間的魂飛魄散 ----薦《永恒的靈性 Maya》 “我們正是沒人猜測的迷。我們是睏陷於自身形象中的童話。我們是那一直在前進而未曾抵達理解的東西。 ---- Jostein Gaarder...
評分俄羅斯套娃一般的故事,有三層。 作者喬斯坦•賈德寫的整個故事。 約翰•史普剋的敘述是“真實”的故事,有關他自己的喪妻、在斐濟遇到法蘭剋和安娜荷西以及最後他們在塞維爾的大團聚。 法蘭剋的敘述是約翰•史普剋寫的小說,這個故事比較玄幻,有關他在斐濟的經曆,以及...
評分原本還以為,“oh yeah!Jostein Gaarder終於齣新書瞭!”,卻在看序的第一句的時候(“經過一百五十億年的等待,我終於要動筆寫這篇文章瞭。”)開始有種似曾相識的感覺。 看到下麵對這個故事的簡介時終於發現,這本書我看過的!!!初中時就看過的!但好像譯名不一樣。來豆...
評分有些人寫作就是讓人思考的。喬斯坦•賈德即是。但是引人思考的書一般很難吸引人。賈德的三本書,也就《紙牌的秘密》故事性強一些。《瑪雅》比《蘇菲的世界》故事性要強一點,但也強不到哪裏去。所以,這本書並不是很迷人。 《瑪雅》與其說是探討生命存在於地球的意義,不如說...
圖書標籤: 小說 哲學 挪威
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