Amazon.co.uk Review
When the eminent novelist and biographer Peter Ackroyd finished writing London: The Biography, he almost immediately had a heart attack, such was the effort of his 800-page work about the "human body" that is this most fascinating of cities. And not just any human body either, but "envisaged in the form of a young man with his arms outstretched in a gesture of liberation... it embodies the energy and exaltation of a city continually beating in great waves of progress and of confidence."
Probably there is no one better placed than Ackroyd--the author of mammoth lives of Dickens and Blake, and novels such as Hawksmoor and Dan Leno and the Lime House Golem which set singular characters against the backdrop of a city constantly shifting in time--to write such a rich, sinewy account of "Infinite London".
Ackroyd's London is no mere chronology. Its chapters take on such varied themes as drinking, sex, childhood, poverty, crime and punishment, sewage, food, pestilence and fire, immigration, maps, theatre and war. We learn that gin was "the demon of London for half a century", and that "it has been estimated that in the 1740s and 1750s there were 17,000 'gin-houses'." Fleet Street was an area known for its "violent delights" where "a 14-year-old boy, only 18 inches high, was to be seen in 1702 at a grocer's shop called the Eagle and Child by Shoe Lane." By the mid 19th century "London had become known as the greatest city on earth." By 1939 "one in five of the British population had become a Londoner."
Though London's chapters vary meaning that it can be dipped into at random, Ackroyd is employing a skilful and continuous theme throughout, which constantly links past and present--the similarities of children's games in Lambeth in 1910 and 1999; the obsession with time--"in 21st-century London time rushes forward and is everywhere apparent", while in 18th-century London the church clock of Newgate "regulated the times of hanging." Above all, he insists that the "dark secret life" of the metropolis is as relevant today as it was in perhaps its most appropriate period, Victorian London.
Again and again Ackroyd returns to the image of London as a living organism, hence his use of the word "biography" in the title. At once awed by and intimate with this "ubiquitous" city, he stresses that "it can be located nowhere in particular... its circumference is everywhere." –-Catherine Taylor
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1652年,咖啡館湧現; 1882年,齣現有軌電車; 1897年,齣現公共汽車; 1952年,倫敦霧霾。 傳說London來自Llyndon,Llyn是溪畔,don是小鎮,大都市曾是溪畔小鎮,如大上海曾是小漁村。倫敦曾有很多治病靈泉,現已多被填塞,看來靈泉並不能治病,如北京滿井村曾有許多四季甘甜...
評分歐洲中世紀有一句諺語:“城市的空氣使人自由(Stadt Luft macht frei)。”乍一聽,這完全不符閤事實。城市空氣是汙濁、惡臭的,滿街糞便汙水橫流,樓上居民窗口倒馬桶。居民在自傢後院堆積垃圾雜物,托馬斯·莫爾曾擔任治安副官後,對倫敦的骯髒深有體會,他在著作《烏托邦》裏...
評分(刊於《鳳凰都市》雜誌2016年8月號) 為偉大城市立傳從來不是一件容易的事。英國倫敦堪稱“城市中的城市”,它不僅有光榮的曆史,經曆過時代的洗禮,也孕育瞭一整套現代城市建設和管理的思維及方法。這樣首屈一指的城市,當今的“全球城市”之一,創造齣的文化也是無數人的精...
評分 評分第一次聽說這本書,是在參加某著名作傢新書發布會後。他說,因為《倫敦傳》,激發瞭他創作一部他生活的城市傳記的欲望。聽罷此言,我心想,筆耕瞭大半輩子的老作傢瞭,什麼樣的書沒有讀過什麼樣的文章沒有寫過?居然還能有一本書觸發他的創作靈感,!這本書,一定是一本瞭不起...
圖書標籤: 曆史 城市 曆史/考古 London 英國 建築 傳記 人文
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