The year 1997 marked the twenty-fifth installment of this landmark series. Editorial cartoonists from across the United States, Canada, and Mexico capture both the most poignant and politically incorrect moments of 1996. The political conventions and elections of 1996 draw (no pun intended) the fire of many of the cartoonists. The prosecution of O. J. Simpson and the persecution of Richard Jewell are featured prominently in several cartoons. Welfare, the military, crime, sports, and the Olympics are all subjects as well. Pulitzer-prize winners, National Headliners Club winners, National Newspaper Award/Canada, and the Fischetti Award winners are all listed. ABOUT THE EDITOR Charles Brooks is past president of the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists and was a cartoonist for the Birmingham (AL) News for thirty-eight years. He has been the recipient of thirteen Freedom Foundation awards, a national VFW award, two Vigilante Patriot awards, and a Sigma Delta Chi award for editorial cartooning. Brooks' cartoons appear in more than eighty books, including textbooks on political science, economics, and history, as well as encyclopedias and yearbooks. His original cartoons are on display in the archives of many libraries.
Best Editorial Cartoons of the Year 1997 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
Best Editorial Cartoons of the Year 1997 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載