琼•穆特(Jon J Moth)以优美恬静的画风在美术及插画创作领域享有盛名。他的《尼克莱的三个问题》(The Three Questions)改编自列夫•托尔斯泰的短篇小说,获《纽约时报书评》二星级评价,评论中称它“在默默地改变生命”。他为凯伦•海瑟(Karen Hesse)的《雨,快下吧!》(Come on, Rain!)插图,作品同样获得二星级评价,并获得插画师协会的金奖。他为艾瑞克•金米尔(Eric Kimmel)的《盖森的怪兽》(Gershon’s Monster)插图,作品获得三星级评价,列入当年美国图书馆协会推荐的优秀童书,并获得美国犹太图书馆协会奖(即“雪莉•泰勒奖” )。琼•穆特还创作过多部获奖的漫画书,在日本和美国出版。《石头汤》中讲到,三个和尚来到一个饱经苦难的村庄,村民们长年在艰难岁月中煎熬,心肠变得坚硬,不愿接纳任何人。可是,和尚们用煮石头汤的方法,让村民们不自觉地付出了很多,更明白了付出越多回报越多的道理。琼•穆特运用华丽的水彩画,引领读者去深思故事背后的蕴涵。他把自己对禅宗和东方文化的热爱,融入到这个古老的巧计故事当中,以此弘扬慷慨好施的力量。
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图书标签: 绘本 英文绘本 Caldecott 高级 购买 英文 美国 推荐书单_长大之前非看不可的1001部童书
First published in 1947, this picture book classic has remained one of Marcia Brown's most popular and enduring books. This story, about three hungry soldiers who outwit the greedy inhabitants of a village into providing them with a feast, is based on an old French tale.
3 soldiers trudged on the road after war, but all peasant hide all they had to eat. One clever soldier bring up an idea: we have to make stone soup. With curiosity, peasants bring out carrots,cabbage,beef----all stuff they had to make a splendid soup which king wished for. Finally soldier and peasants had a big feast, and soldiers slept in nice pl
评分小故事,大智慧 “分享使人更加富足,幸福就像煮石头汤这么简单”
评分小故事,大智慧 “分享使人更加富足,幸福就像煮石头汤这么简单”
STONE SOUP 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书