J.M.庫切(J.M.Coetzee 1940-),庫切1940年生於南非開普敦,荷蘭裔移民後代。成長於南非種族隔離政策逐漸成形並盛行的年代。1960年他離開南非赴倫敦,從事電腦軟件設計。1965年到美國攻讀文學博士,畢業後在紐約州立大學做教授。1971年迴到南非,在開普敦大學英文係任教。2002年移居澳大利亞。現係美國芝加哥大學“社會思想委員會”成員,並在該校執教。小說《等待野蠻人》(1980)一齣版,即摘取費柏紀念奬、布萊剋紀念奬,為庫切贏得瞭國際聲譽。《邁剋爾·K的生活和時代》(1983)齣版當年就贏得英語文學界最高榮譽——英國布剋奬。《恥》1999年再度獲布剋奬,使庫切成為唯一的一位兩次獲該奬項的作傢。1994年齣版的《彼得堡的大師》獲得愛爾蘭時報國際小說奬。男孩(1997)和《青春》(2002)是自傳體小說,披露他生活中不為人所知的一麵。其他重要作品還有《幽暗之地》(1974)、《內陸深處》(1977)、《福》(1986)、《伊麗莎白·科斯特洛:八堂課》(2003)、《慢人》(2005)等。庫切的每一部作品風格完全不同,意義多元。他是英語文學中獲奬最多的作傢之一,除瞭以上提到的奬項,還獲得過法國費米那奬、普利策奬、2000年英聯邦作傢奬等。2003年庫切榮膺諾貝爾文學奬。
In the Heart of the Country 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
評分 評分 評分原文是一首長詩嗎?是否因為翻譯的原因,失去瞭詩的韻律。主人公一個夢境接一個妄想,讓人如墜五裏霧中。一會兒,突然發現說的又是現實,到最後又嘎然而止,沒有所謂的結局。莫非整個故事都是主人公的一個大幻想? 大段大段的敘述詩中摻雜著奇怪的變態的性、屍體、屠殺描寫。...
評分圖書標籤: 文學 南非 fiction english
when one has nothing but words, language becomes the medium of metamorphosis which, without any possibility of transcendence, drags on as an endless chain of daydreams and nightmares, externalization as a substituting movement of that interior void unfulfilled.
評分when one has nothing but words, language becomes the medium of metamorphosis which, without any possibility of transcendence, drags on as an endless chain of daydreams and nightmares, externalization as a substituting movement of that interior void unfulfilled.
評分when one has nothing but words, language becomes the medium of metamorphosis which, without any possibility of transcendence, drags on as an endless chain of daydreams and nightmares, externalization as a substituting movement of that interior void unfulfilled.
評分when one has nothing but words, language becomes the medium of metamorphosis which, without any possibility of transcendence, drags on as an endless chain of daydreams and nightmares, externalization as a substituting movement of that interior void unfulfilled.
評分when one has nothing but words, language becomes the medium of metamorphosis which, without any possibility of transcendence, drags on as an endless chain of daydreams and nightmares, externalization as a substituting movement of that interior void unfulfilled.
In the Heart of the Country 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載