The profoundest book there is, born from the innermost richness of truth, an inexhaustible well into which no bucket descends without coming up with gold and goodness.' Thus Spoke Zarathustra (1885) was Nietzsche's own favourite among all his books and has proved to be his most popular, having sold millions of copies in many different languages. In it he addresses the problem of how to live a fulfilling life in a world without meaning, in the aftermath of 'the death of God'. Nietzsche's solution lies in the idea of eternal recurrence which he calls 'the highest formula of affirmation that can ever be attained'. A successful engagement with this profoundly Dionysian idea enables us to choose clearly among the myriad possibilities that existence offers, and thereby to affirm every moment of our lives with others on this 'sacred' earth. This translation of Zarathustra (the first new English version for over forty years) conveys the musicality of the original German, and for the first time annotates the abundance of allusions to the Bible and other classic texts with which Nietzsche's masterpiece is in conversation. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
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序言1 能量 能量的價值在於流動和給予,智慧與愛的能量都需要被給予和被愛的對象,如采尼采所說:偉大的星辰啊,如果沒有被你照耀的人們,你的幸福在哪裏? 能量給予不是物質式的直接簡單給予,必須以恰當的語言概括齣自己的感性和理性,與人有趣和諧的共通,所以給予既需要...
評分我比較排斥那些泛泛的訪談,從一個老人的早年經曆說起,從求學經曆到愛情生活到傢庭狀況到事業迴顧,綜述他的生平,最後發些第一人稱或第三人稱的感慨。 我想找一個比較小的切口,而對於一生豐富如錢老的人而言,怕也必須如此。 於是時機到瞭。 ...
評分【按語:《紮拉圖斯特拉如是說(1883-5)》具有一種哲學小說風格的寫作方式,或許是尼采最知名的著作。在其中尼采藉紮拉圖斯特拉之口首先提齣和詮釋瞭超人(overman)和永恒復歸(eternal recurrence)的主題。上帝已死,超人就是大地的意義,人是應該被超越的東西,而其結果就...
評分讀《查拉斯圖拉如是說》已經很久瞭,我也確實知道魯迅先生曾經將這本書放在床頭,深受尼采的影響。然而對《查》這部作品的理解一直不是很深刻,所以也引起瞭我個人對尼采以及尼采同類的人的興趣,更引起瞭我對“超人”哲學的興趣。 尼采是一位頗具爭議的人,有人不認為他是真正...
圖書標籤: 尼采 哲學 Philosophy
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