Mizoguchi has been mentally troubled since he witnessed his mother'sinfidelity in the presence of his dying father. Mizoguchi feels utterlyabandoned and alone until he becomes a priest at Kinka-kuji, a famousBuddhist temple in Kyoto. Failing in his quest to find the warmth ofhuman companionship in the temple, the young man, tormented bythe temple's exquisite beauty, decides to destroy himself and all heloves. He feels he cannot live in peace as long as the temple exists.Mizoguchi, like many other troubled Mishima heroes, becomesobsessed with unattainable ideals.The Temple of the Golden Pavilion reflects Mishima's preoccupations withbeauty and death in a clear and unmistakable manner. It is also anexcellent example of a theme that frequently arises in Mishima's work:the resentment of the object of desire. Because this novel, arguablyMishima's best, reflects the author's suicidal tendencies, it also offers usinsight into one of the twentieth century's greatest and most complexliterary icons.
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溝口對金閣縱火,就是藝術傢對美復仇。 1. 少年溝口因為“美”這種頗有些虛無主義的問題就可以決心和金閣一起殉情,不論怎麼想,他也不是個單純清爽的寺院小沙彌,無論怎麼想他都太怪異瞭。三島為這小說做瞭最精細的調查,把事件的外錶還原到瞭完美的程度,包括鹿苑寺相關的種...
評分看完瞭《我是貓》,還算蠻有趣的一本書。常常會看到放聲大笑,即使在生活中也難得這麼開心瞭。然而結局卻寫成那個樣子,有一種被背叛的感覺。 接下來帶著一種硬著頭皮地心情拿起《金閣寺》。稍微看過中譯本日文小說的都知道大陸的日譯被兩個人壟斷。川端康成的《雪國》是葉渭...
評分看瞭三島由紀夫的《金閣寺》、《潮騷》和《春雪》,一直想寫寫讀後總結,但幾次寫瞭又刪。對這個作傢,好像可以說很多,說他的頹廢美學,他的性格,他的軍國主義,還有著名的自殺。但同時,又沒什麼可以說,他的一切,都在他的文字中,迷離、神秘、天纔橫溢。 我不是三島的粉...
評分“從照片上或教科書裏,我經常看到現實的金閣,然而在我心中,父親所講的金閣的幻影,遠勝於現實的金閣。” ——三島由紀夫. 金閣寺. 上海譯文齣版社. 2008年12月第1版:第1頁. 心中的金閣,遠勝於眼中常見的金閣。對愛情的期待,何嘗不是如此?我們似乎很少...
圖書標籤: 日本 三島由紀夫 金閣寺 譯本比對 英語 英譯 文學 小說
Truly I felt at some time in the distant past I had somewhere witnessed a sunset glow of incomparable magnificence. Was it my fault that the sunsets which I had seen thereafter appeared more or less faded?
評分比中文翻譯好太多瞭……看本小說真不易啊 心酸
評分Truly I felt at some time in the distant past I had somewhere witnessed a sunset glow of incomparable magnificence. Was it my fault that the sunsets which I had seen thereafter appeared more or less faded?
評分Truly I felt at some time in the distant past I had somewhere witnessed a sunset glow of incomparable magnificence. Was it my fault that the sunsets which I had seen thereafter appeared more or less faded?
評分Truly I felt at some time in the distant past I had somewhere witnessed a sunset glow of incomparable magnificence. Was it my fault that the sunsets which I had seen thereafter appeared more or less faded?
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