Jonathan D. Spence is Sterling Professor at Yale University. His awards include a Guggenheim and a MacArthur Fellowship.
Treason by the Book 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
一 关于史景迁就不用说什么了。关于这本书还有几点可说。 像这类著作成为了历史写作的一种潮流。如果说大部头的通史著作,其存在以自归于学术之列,其目的也明白坦荡,那么像这一类故事性极强,有时候甘冒史学之大不韪,加入大量的揣测和虚构,又例如《马丁盖尔归来》的作者戴...
评分今年上半年看了几本史景迁的书。 个人认为最好看的是这本。 关于中国历史的文字,我一直觉得缺乏一种质感。 所谓戏说根本不值一提,不过是从民间演义发展而来又丢失了草根的智慧。 实际上四大古典名著和评书一直主导着我关于历史的想象——一种流于脸谱化的平面的想...
评分电视认罪绝不是本朝的新发明,起码在雍正朝,古典形式的电视认罪已经问世了。 案情的开头其实很简单,平民张熙公开投书煽动素未谋面的高官造反,在严刑审问下牵出主谋曾静,曾静被火速抓捕归案后即刻认罪,并自称本不谙世事的山野村夫,只是被吕留良等人的谣言所误后才有此逆举...
评分喜欢历史的朋友,不可不读史景迁。史景迁是耶鲁大学历史系教授,西方著名的中国史专家。几十年下来,在他的笔下,已汩汩流出了近十部文学味道很浓的有关中国清代及近现代历史的著作,深受美国读者欢迎。我有幸得到朋友赠送的两本书《皇帝与秀才》和《王氏之死》。 这...
评分图书标签: 史景迁 清史 海外汉学研究 历史 中国历史 经史子集 中国 Treason
Shortly before noon on October 28, 1728, General Yue Zhongqi, the most powerful military and civilian official in northwest China, was en route to his headquarters. Suddenly, out of the crowd, a stranger ran toward Yue and passed him an envelope-an envelope containing details of a treasonous plot to overthrow the Manchu government.
This thrilling story of a conspiracy against the Qing dynasty in 1728 is a captivating tale of intrigue and a fascinating exploration of what it means to rule and be ruled. Once again, Jonathan Spence has created a vivid portrait of the rich culture that surrounds a most dramatic moment in Chinese history.
"An infectiously readable narrative . . . on a par with bestselling works of historical reconstruction such as Dava Sobel's Longitude . . . Eighteenth-century China springs to life." (The Dallas Morning News)
"A slice of history told in the lively manner of a novel." (Ian Buruma, The New York Times Book Review)
"A work of history that pulses with emotion, with vital characters re-created vividly, with complex situations lucidly unraveled, with irony underscored. His straightforward prose style and use of the historic present give his work an engrossing immediacy. It is history of the best kind." (The Philadelphia Inquirer)
Treason by the Book 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书