Umberto Eco (born 5 January 1932) is an Italian medievalist, semiotician, philosopher, literary critic and novelist, best known for his novel The Name of the Rose, an intellectual mystery combining semiotics in fiction, biblical analysis, medieval studies and literary theory. His 1988 novel Foucault's Pendulum has been described as a "thinking person's Da Vinci Code". Eco is President of the Scuola Superiore di Studi Umanistici, University of Bologna. He has also written academic texts, children’s books and many essays. Eco was born in the city of Alessandria in the region of Piedmont. His father, Giulio, was an accountant before the government called upon him to serve in three wars. During World War II, Umberto and his mother, Giovanna, moved to a small village in the Piedmontese mountainside. Eco received a Salesian education, and he has made references to the order and its founder in his works and interviews. His family name is supposedly an acronym of ex caelis oblatus (Latin: a gift from the heavens), which was given to his grandfather (a foundling) by a city official. His father was the son of a family with thirteen children, and urged Umberto to become a lawyer, but he entered the University of Turin in order to take up medieval philosophy and literature, writing his thesis on Thomas Aquinas and earning his BA in philosophy in 1954. During this time, Eco left the Roman Catholic Church after a crisis of faith. After this, Eco worked as a cultural editor for the state broadcasting station Radiotelevisione Italiana (RAI) and also lectured at the University of Turin (1956–64). A group of avant-garde artists—painters, musicians, writers—whom he had befriended at RAI (Gruppo 63) became an important and influential component in Eco's future writing career. This was especially true after the publication of his first book in 1956, Il problema estetico di San Tommaso, which was an extension of his doctoral thesis. This also marked the beginning of his lecturing career at his alma mater. In September 1962, he married Renate Ramge, a German art teacher with whom he has a son and a daughter. He divides his time between an apartment in Milan and a vacation house near Rimini.
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评分埃科无疑是当代欧洲最博学的学者之一,他自己也曾从符号学角度研究过“多才多艺”的艺术家(multi-talented artist),提出符号的等值特点以及个人的推理演绎能力能使艺术家打通壁垒。 他说:“在极其多样化的笔头活动之间存在有很深的、有时是秘密的联系。这就是为什么我总是...
评分我庆幸我能以一个“俗人”的视角来阅读这本书。 任何严谨的思辨、逻辑推理、符号解构转瞬即逝。而对历史学、神学、宗教,我均无任何研究。 在迷宫中,你需要清醒。 这是一个故事,走入神的殿堂,我仿佛仰望繁星和众神,却又审视大地和人性。 创世纪的过程中,eco以文字搭建的...
评分图书标签: UmbertoEco 小说 宗教 推理 英文原版 意大利 符号 外国文学
The year is 1327. Franciscans in a wealthy Italian abbey are suspected of heresy, and Brother William of Baskerville arrives to investigate. When his delicate mission is suddenly overshadowed by seven bizarre deaths, Brother William turns detective. He collects evidence, deciphers secret symbols and coded manuscripts, and digs into the eerie labyrinth of the abbey where extraordinary things are happening under the cover of night. A spectacular popular and critical success, "The Name of the Rose" is not only a narrative of a murder investigation but an astonishing chronicle of the Middle Ages. --This text refers to the Paperback edition.
这是本高于侦探的侦探小说,Eco把文字,数学,和宗教织成了一个惊险刺激的谜。这本书我是在地铁上颠着看的。好看的我都忘了晕车。某黑夜我手执一书,做目不旁视状在等车,不一会儿,一满身酒气的黑大爷过来要钱。我摸遍全身,居然没一个钢崩,当时汗都下来了,就怕他一不小心毙了我。我哆嗦着说大爷对不起小的我今天真没钱。大爷冷笑一声说好罢,你看的啥书。我结巴着说是就是跟圣经和上帝有关的。他做愉悦状说god bless就走了。所以我要感谢Eco救了我一次。
评分卧槽里面所有的拉丁文都没有翻译。。各种名词信手拈来,能不借助wikipedia还有google translate把这本书读下来的都是人才惹。。
评分对中世纪宗教史了解不够的话,感到英文版真的很难读… 还夹杂大量意大利语和法语。William Weaver翻译很给力。PS:真精彩啊!要列为我最喜欢的小说TOP3了。处处闪耀着思想的火花。超喜欢关于laughter的那几段争论。
The Name of the Rose 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书