多蘿西•L. 塞耶斯(Dorothy L Sayers,1893—1957) ,英國著名偵探小說傢、戲劇傢、神學理論傢兼翻譯傢。從1923年到1937年,塞耶斯主要創作瞭十多部以彼得•溫西勛爵(Lord Peter Wimsey)為主角的係列偵探小說,被公認為二十世紀最齣色的偵探小說作傢之一。她還是英國偵探俱樂部的主要創辦者,擔任過主席。在生命的最後二十年裏,塞耶斯把主要精力用於研究神學理論,翻譯但丁的《神麯》,但她同時也在密切關注著偵探小說俱樂部的發展壯大。1957年,64歲的塞耶斯在埃塞剋斯郡與世長辭。
The Duke of Denver, accused of murder, stands trial for his life in the House of Lords. Naturally, his brother Lord Peter Wimsey is investigating the crime - this is a family affair. The murder took place at the duke's shooting lodge and Lord Peter's sister was engaged to marry the dead man. But why does the duke refuse to co-operate with the investigation? Can he really be guilty, or is he covering up for someone?
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評分這是看的第三本塞耶斯的書,之前兩本是《九麯喪鍾》和《貝羅那俱樂部的不快事件》。相對比來說,本書既沒有《九麯喪鍾》裏那宏大的詭計,也沒有《貝羅那》裏那嚴謹的推理。算是最差的一本瞭。 首先,本書在謎麵上並不吸引人。一個男人死在丹佛公爵傢花房中,而半夜兩三點莫名...
評分塞耶斯無疑深具野心,《證言疑雲》每章前的引用,文中多處顯示的引意、句子,都顯示齣塞耶斯想把偵探小說寫的更具文學性。 然而,這種嘗試無疑很失敗。 這一係列引用,反而使得小說顯得絮叨,不明所以,也顯得賣弄過分。 加之翻譯實在稱不上流暢明白,更使得這本書在很多時候顯...
評分當初僅僅因為“法庭推理”的名號而入手這本書。但看完後卻沒有看奎因、卡爾等大師作品時的暢快。沒有細緻入微的分析,沒有巧妙的挑戰讀者。盡管它有社會派的傾嚮,但那是七十多年前英國貴族的生活,無論時間或空間上都太遙遠。 或許法庭更重物證,或許由於本人對本格的...
Such a sad love story. I am glad to be able to read the french letter. I'll look up the novel 'Manon Lescaut'.
評分Such a sad love story. I am glad to be able to read the french letter. I'll look up the novel 'Manon Lescaut'.
評分Such a sad love story. I am glad to be able to read the french letter. I'll look up the novel 'Manon Lescaut'.
評分Such a sad love story. I am glad to be able to read the french letter. I'll look up the novel 'Manon Lescaut'.
評分Such a sad love story. I am glad to be able to read the french letter. I'll look up the novel 'Manon Lescaut'.
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