Daniel Defoe, the son of a butcher, was born in London in 1660. He attended Morton's Academy, a school for Dissenters at Newington Green with the intention of becoming a minister, but he changed his mind and became a hosiery merchant instead.
In 1688 Defoe took part in the Monmouth Rebellion and joined William III and his advancing army. Defoe became popular with the king after the publication of his poem, The True Born Englishman (1701). The poem attacked those who were prejudiced against having a king of foreign birth.
The publication of Defoe's The Shortest Way with the Dissenters (1702) upset a large number of powerful people. In the pamphlet, Defoe, a Dissenter, ironically demanded the savage suppression of dissent. The pamphlet was judged to be critical of the Anglican Church and Defoe was fined, put in the Charing Cross Pillory and then sent to Newgate Prison.
In 1703 Robert Harley, Earl of Oxford, a Tory government official, employed Defoe as a spy. With the support of the government, Defoe started the newspaper, The Review. Published between 1704 and 1713, the newspaper appeared three times a week. As well as carrying commercial advertising The Review reported on political and social issues. Defoe also wrote several pamphlets for Harley attacking the political opposition. The Whigs took Defoe court and this resulted in him serving another prison sentence.
In 1719 Defoe turned to writing fiction. His novels include: Robinson Crusoe (1719), Captain Singleton (1720), Journal of the Plague Year (1722), Captain Jack (1722), Moll Flanders (1722) and Roxanda (1724).
Defoe also wrote a three volume travel book, Tour Through the Whole Island of Great Britain (1724-27) that provided a vivid first-hand account of the state of the country. Other non-fiction books include The Complete English Tradesman (1726) and London the Most Flourishing City in the Universe (1728). Defoe published over 560 books and pamphlets and is considered to be the founder of British journalism. Daniel Defoe died in 1731.
This classic story of a shipwrecked mariner on a deserted island is perhaps the greatest adventure in all of English literature. Fleeing from pirates, Robinson Crusoe is swept ashore in a storm possessing only a knife, a box of tobacco, a pipe-and the will to survive. His is the saga of a man alone: a man who overcomes self-pity and despair to reconstruct his life; who painstakingly teaches himself how to fashion a pot, bake bread, build a canoe; and who, after twenty-four agonizing years of solitude, discovers a human footprint in the sand... Consistently popular since its first publication in 1719, Daniel Defoe's story of human endurance in an exotic, faraway land exerts a timeless appeal. The first important English novel, "Robinson Crusoe has taken its rightful place among the great myths of Western civilization.
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“Robinson Crusoe”, written by Daniel Defoe in 1719, powerfully arouses people’s resolution deep inside and incredible courage and will to face hardships. Like the motto engraved on the U.S. currency—in God we trust, we are thus blessed with might to s...
評分據說這個書評引起一些爭論,歡迎跟帖批評,讓圍觀者有更多的閱讀視角,抱歉由於時間關係不作迴應。 ---------- 一個18歲的少年,“放著好好的日子不過”,一心想航海探險。爸爸說:你知道嗎?其實最幸福的生活就是中不溜鞦的生活,底層日子苦,上層壓力大,中不溜...
評分羅賓遜的小島曆險記是一本不可多得的好書,語言簡單樸素,沒有過多的修辭和復雜的句式。他不但在小島上獨自一人靠雙手建立瞭自己的傢園,種植小麥,還自建瞭農場圈養數十隻綿羊,後來居然做齣瞭麵包。 他的空中樓閣除瞭用來遮風擋雨,還做好瞭抵禦敵人入侵的準備,後來的幾次...
圖書標籤: Defoe 外國文學 Literature 英國文學 笛福 小說 文學 intersting
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評分Realism or no?
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評分a vivid story telling a man falling in isolation from modern civilization
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