In 1960 the government of Trinidad invited V. S. Naipaul to revisit his native country and record his impressions. In this classic of modern travel writing he has created a deft and remarkably prescient portrait of Trinidad and four adjacent Caribbean societies–countries haunted by the legacies of slavery and colonialism and so thoroughly defined by the norms of Empire that they can scarcely believe that the Empire is ending.
In The Middle Passage , Naipaul watches a Trinidadian movie audience greeting Humphrey Bogart’s appearance with cries of “That is man!” He ventures into a Trinidad slum so insalubrious that the locals call it the Gaza Strip. He follows a racially charged election campaign in British Guiana (now Guyana) and marvels at the Gallic pretension of Martinique society, which maintains the fiction that its roads are extensions of France’s routes nationales. And throughout he relates the ghastly episodes of the region’s colonial past and shows how they continue to inform its language, politics, and values. The result is a work of novelistic vividness and dazzling perspicacity that displays Naipaul at the peak of his powers.
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評分藉來的文化,藉來的生活 顧文豪 1960 年,奈保爾(Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul)得到特立尼達和多巴哥政府提供的奬學金,前往加勒比和舊時的西班牙大陸上的前奴隸殖民地進行為期三個月的遊曆。這時的奈保爾正陷入寫作的瓶頸,依靠在故鄉的記憶創作的《米格爾街》確實為他找...
評分文/俞耕耘 如果您慣於認為旅行是怡情快悅的,以為記二三小景,訴一段閑情,攜三五好友,伴一位佳人就是遊記的典型情懷,那麼看完《重訪加勒比》或許會改變認識。因為,奈保爾的這部遊記凝重深沉、孤峭冷峻,他的旅行帶著文化與曆史的負重,文明與罪惡的交鋒,傳統與現代的掙紮...
評分1、讀這本書的目的 在單讀的公眾號上讀到瞭關於奈保爾的一段文字: 我們習以為常的每一天纔以現在這樣的麵貌被遵循著、保護著。而隨著每一個新時代的到來,都會産生新的評價,時代輪轉的齒輪也將就此開啓。永恒的文化變遷的中心始終是像你我這樣盡最大努力去改善命運、掙紮求生...
圖書標籤: 英文原版 英國 文學
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