菲利普·羅斯(Philip Roth),1933年齣生在美國新澤西州的紐瓦剋市,被認為是當代最傑齣的美國猶太裔作傢之一。羅斯以短篇小說《再見,哥倫布》崛起,贏得美國多個主要文學奬項,1998年憑藉《美國牧歌》一舉獲得美國普利策文學奬,是近年來諾貝爾文學奬呼聲頗高的作傢之一。
Radio actor Iron Rinn is a big Newark roughneck lighted by a brutal personal secret from which he is perpetually in flight. An idealistic Communist, an uneducated ditchdigger turned popular performer, a six-foot, six-inch Abe Lincoln look-alike, he emerges from serving in WW2 passionately committed to making the world a better place and winds up instead blacklisted and unemployable, his life in ruins. I Married a Communist is the story of Iron Rinn's denunciation and disgrace. It is also a story of cruelty, humiliation, betrayal and revenge - an American tragedy as only Philip Roth can conceive one - fierce and funny, eloquently rendered and deadly accurate.
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邪惡之徒的色情魔力……哈哈 這段太不容易瞭,錶達這種混亂和囂張能量的糾纏不清,兩個棋逢對手 將遇良纔的搭檔製造齣來的感覺,即使是有那麼多事件的鋪墊,要總結齣來的話也是很難的,可作者做到瞭極緻……甚至把兄弟的視角也順帶評點瞭一下。這是真實的生活狀態,雖然底層生...
評分衝著作者的名號,以及小說要描敘的敏感內容——共産黨人在美國的錶現和生活——本書就十分值得一看瞭。 能齣版這樣的文字,還不受影響地被餘味國寶級作傢,由羅斯的作品待遇也可一窺美國文化審查製度相對寬容的氛圍。 不過,本書的翻譯我真心受不瞭,中文錶達較差。
評分摘自《深圳晚報》作者:李曉水 菲利普•羅斯(Philip Roth),1933年齣生於美國新澤西州紐瓦剋市的一個中産階級猶太人傢庭,1957年 放棄芝加哥大學博士學位學習,專事寫作,1959年以小說《再見吧,哥倫布》一舉成名,是美國文壇的“獲奬專業戶”...
評分按:發評論時隻在豆瓣找到瞭另一個版本,關聯到背叛的都是無關的電影,所以物歸原主,在這裏重發一遍。 作為普通中國人,我們仿佛對世界頭號強國美國很熟悉——因為對超級大國的關注通常會遠超彆國,但事實上,我們對這個國傢的曆史細節如霧裏看花,知之甚少。我們知道的大多是...
People detour paths that keep silence on political issues rather than stand candidly always due to conceivable conflicts. Ideology symplifies into dichotomy which capitalism and communism occupy the two extremes. But it’s not the truth. The belief that treasure one's life and respect one another is the right direction. Ira and Murray proved that.
評分People detour paths that keep silence on political issues rather than stand candidly always due to conceivable conflicts. Ideology symplifies into dichotomy which capitalism and communism occupy the two extremes. But it’s not the truth. The belief that treasure one's life and respect one another is the right direction. Ira and Murray proved that.
評分People detour paths that keep silence on political issues rather than stand candidly always due to conceivable conflicts. Ideology symplifies into dichotomy which capitalism and communism occupy the two extremes. But it’s not the truth. The belief that treasure one's life and respect one another is the right direction. Ira and Murray proved that.
評分People detour paths that keep silence on political issues rather than stand candidly always due to conceivable conflicts. Ideology symplifies into dichotomy which capitalism and communism occupy the two extremes. But it’s not the truth. The belief that treasure one's life and respect one another is the right direction. Ira and Murray proved that.
評分People detour paths that keep silence on political issues rather than stand candidly always due to conceivable conflicts. Ideology symplifies into dichotomy which capitalism and communism occupy the two extremes. But it’s not the truth. The belief that treasure one's life and respect one another is the right direction. Ira and Murray proved that.
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