This book is an eye-opener to the differences between how software gets built and how it gets sold. -- Michael Ernest, JavaRanch Sheriff Big corporations...have the money and the brain cells, but despite this, still manage to shoot themselves in the feet every now and then. -- Valentin Crettaz, Val's Blog: Stuff for software engineers and Java addicts The history of marketing and technology is riddled with cautionary stories that stick up like dung covered punji sticks. Read this, and avoid stepping on one. -- Jeff "Hemos" Bates, Director, OSDN Online and Executive Editor, Rick Chapman knows where the bodies are buriedwhen most people have forgotten there was even a murder. This history of tech marketing disasters is well-written, enjoyable, and gets its facts straight. -- Jonathan Angel, Senior Editor, West Coast, Adweek's "Technology Marketing" Magazine Gives us an amusing (and sometimes embarrassing) array of anecdotes of how far we've come (and not come) in high technology...a fun read, with many invaluable lessons. -- Brenda Bennett South, Vice President, Weber Shandwick An invaluable history lesson in how to avoid monumental marketing mistakes that are unfortunately common in the software industry. -- Alyssa Dver, "BusinessWeek" Special Sections Contributor Having followed many of these companies and products over the years, I'd often wondered why such smart people made such weird choices. Rick Chapman has many of the answers. -- James Fallows, former editor-in-chief, "US News and World Report," and regular writer for "The Atlantic" "In Search of Stupidity" is National Lampoon meets Peter Drucker. It's a funny and well-written business book that takes a look at some of the most influential marketing and business philosophies of the last 20 years and, through the dark glass of hindsight, provides an educational and vastly entertaining examination of why they didn't work for many of the country's largest and best-known high-tech companies. Make no mistake: most of them did not work. Marketing wizard Richard Chapman takes readers on a hilarious ride in this book, which is richly illustrated with cartoons and reproductions of many of the actual campaigns used at the time. Filled with personal anecdotes spanning Chapman's remarkable career (he was present at many now-famous meetings and events), "In Search of Stupidity" is a no-holds-barred look at the best of the worst hopeless marketing ideas and business decisions in the last 20 years of the technology industry.
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從圖書館藉瞭一本書《IT大敗局》,講述瞭IT曆史上的10個經營管理的失敗案例,最早追述到IBM 是如何丟去PC市場的,最晚講到瞭互聯網泡沫的破滅,還包括瞭字處理軟件的競爭、瀏覽器的競爭、微軟成功的探討、NC(Network Computer)失敗的原因等等,是一個不錯的迴顧。 微軟極力...
評分還是在大學的時候看的這本書,最近努力尋找它,好像被遺忘在讀書的城市沒有帶在身邊。 書中的一些案例分析的比較靠譜,這些失敗的教訓總結成可供記錄的原則,事情的成敗總是不能夠從當初下決定的時候就能夠預見到的,所以有些人物的眼光之後就可以被很多人稱贊,每個企業...
評分這確實是一本讓我感覺相逢恨晚的一本好書,如果你在軟件業的開發、管理上輾轉過5、6年以上,相信也你會有一樣的感覺。雖然名為IT大敗局,但裏麵的例子多是軟件産品的例子。 你是否和我一樣曾經經曆過“縮水産品的陰霾”?我們的産品必須有多個版本,滿足不同用戶的需要...
評分從圖書館藉瞭一本書《IT大敗局》,講述瞭IT曆史上的10個經營管理的失敗案例,最早追述到IBM 是如何丟去PC市場的,最晚講到瞭互聯網泡沫的破滅,還包括瞭字處理軟件的競爭、瀏覽器的競爭、微軟成功的探討、NC(Network Computer)失敗的原因等等,是一個不錯的迴顧。 微軟極力...
圖書標籤: 大敗局 財經 管理 戰略 愚蠢 stupidity
In Search of Stupidity: Over 20 Years of High-Tech Marketing Disasters 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載