Stephen Shore was interested in photography from an early age. Self-taught, he received a photographic darkroom kit at age six. He began to use a 35mm camera three years later and made his first color photographs. At ten he received a copy of Walker Evans's book, American Photographs, which influenced him greatly. At age seventeen Shore met Andy Warhol and began to frequent Warhol's studio, the Factory, photographing Warhol and the creative people that surrounded him. In 1972 Shore embarked on a series of cross-country trips and "on the road" photographs of the American landscape.
Among the first to work almost exclusively in color, Shore, in 1971, became the first living photographer to have a one-person show at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.
(quoted from
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七十年代初,彩色照片剛剛開始打入市場,攝影師Stephen Shore決定拍點兒彩色大幅照片,開車來迴走過美國的大小城鎮,這本書就是他開瞭一萬多英裏路之後的成果。 Stephen Shore的照片兒跟我們熟悉的美國風景照很不同,可以說第一眼看上去平淡得讓人吃驚,都是些市井小鎮的...
評分七十年代初,彩色照片剛剛開始打入市場,攝影師Stephen Shore決定拍點兒彩色大幅照片,開車來迴走過美國的大小城鎮,這本書就是他開瞭一萬多英裏路之後的成果。 Stephen Shore的照片兒跟我們熟悉的美國風景照很不同,可以說第一眼看上去平淡得讓人吃驚,都是些市井小鎮的...
評分七十年代初,彩色照片剛剛開始打入市場,攝影師Stephen Shore決定拍點兒彩色大幅照片,開車來迴走過美國的大小城鎮,這本書就是他開瞭一萬多英裏路之後的成果。 Stephen Shore的照片兒跟我們熟悉的美國風景照很不同,可以說第一眼看上去平淡得讓人吃驚,都是些市井小鎮的...
評分大畫幅&彩色&景深的運用 。尤其喜歡停車場富有色彩的作品,看起來有點雜亂的畫麵卻有很精湛的構圖。Art is the conscious decision這句話應該最能解釋stephen shore攝影的理念
評分七十年代初,彩色照片剛剛開始打入市場,攝影師Stephen Shore決定拍點兒彩色大幅照片,開車來迴走過美國的大小城鎮,這本書就是他開瞭一萬多英裏路之後的成果。 Stephen Shore的照片兒跟我們熟悉的美國風景照很不同,可以說第一眼看上去平淡得讓人吃驚,都是些市井小鎮的...
圖書標籤: 攝影 photography 畫冊 美國 Stephen_Shore 攝影畫冊 StephenShore Stephen
評分可以看看,是個路數, 攝影是多種多樣的.平淡中要能拍齣些味道也是大本領.把樸素作為一追求吧!
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