The collector:
Michael Wolf has lived in Hong Kong for eight years and works as a photographer for Stern. He collects posters and photographs from the period of the Cultural Revolution till today. (
The authors:
Anchee Min was born and raised in Mao’s China. A staunch party supporter, she was awarded the lead role in a film to be made by Mao’s wife, Jiang Ching, but the death of Mao soon after caused the film to be cancelled. In 1984, Min emigrated to the United States and later wrote the bestselling biography Becoming Madame Mao.
Poet and fiction writer Duoduo was born in Beying, China in 1951 and emigrated in 1989, later settling in the Netherlands, where he became a writer in residence at the Sinological Institute of Leiden University. He is considered one of the most outstanding poets to emerge after the Cultural Revolution.
Stefan R. Landsberger holds a PhD in Sinology from Leiden University, Netherlands. He is a Lecturer at the Documentation and Research Centre for Modern China, Sinological Institute, Leiden University, and one of the editors of the journal China Information. Landsberger has one of the largest private collections of Chinese propaganda posters in the world. He has published extensively on topics related to Chinese propaganda, and maintains an extensive website exclusively devoted to this genre of political communications (
The Communist superhero
With his smooth, warm, red face which radiated light in all directions, Chairman Mao Zedong was a fixture in Chinese propaganda posters produced between the birth of the People’s Republic in 1949 and the early 1980s. These infamous posters were, in turn, central fixtures in Chinese homes, railway stations, schools, journals, magazines, and just about anywhere else where people were likely to see them. Chairman Mao, portrayed as a stoic superhero (a.k.a. the Great Teacher, the Great Leader, the Great Helmsman, the Supreme Commander), appeared in all kinds of situations (inspecting factories, smoking a cigarette with peasant workers, standing by the Yangzi River in a bathrobe, presiding over the bow of a ship, or floating over a sea of red flags), flanked by strong, healthy, ageless men and “masculinized” women and children wearing baggy, sexless, drab clothing. The goal of each poster was to show the Chinese people what sort of behavior was considered morally correct and how great the future of Communist China would be if everyone followed the same path toward utopia by uniting together. Combining fact and fiction in a way typical of propaganda art, these posters exuded positive vibes and seemed to suggest that Mao was an omnipresent force that would accompany China to happiness and greatness. This book brings together a selection of colorful propaganda artworks and cultural artifacts from photographer Michael Wolf’s vast collection of Chinese propaganda posters, many of which are now extremely rare.
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在《Chinese Propaganda Poster》中,Landsberger 的文章《The Rise and Fall of the Chinese Propaganda Poster》基本簡要的迴顧瞭作為政治宣傳海報在文革以來的大概變遷,當然書中涉及的不隻是“政治”,還有大量80年代改革開放以來各種“社會新風尚”,猶如活化石般審視瞭前...
評分在《Chinese Propaganda Poster》中,Landsberger 的文章《The Rise and Fall of the Chinese Propaganda Poster》基本簡要的迴顧瞭作為政治宣傳海報在文革以來的大概變遷,當然書中涉及的不隻是“政治”,還有大量80年代改革開放以來各種“社會新風尚”,猶如活化石般審視瞭前...
評分有人說“旁觀者清”,也有人說“旁觀者未必清”。 個人以為,拉開距離旁觀,至少多些觀察角度,離得遠些,總能夠使人頭腦冷靜。有距離觀察,不一定更準確,卻必有新收獲。 就好像那些宣傳海報,對於我這樣生長於改革開放之後的人來說,最吸引的是它們的筆觸、光綫、色彩、中西閤...
評分在《Chinese Propaganda Poster》中,Landsberger 的文章《The Rise and Fall of the Chinese Propaganda Poster》基本簡要的迴顧瞭作為政治宣傳海報在文革以來的大概變遷,當然書中涉及的不隻是“政治”,還有大量80年代改革開放以來各種“社會新風尚”,猶如活化石般審視瞭前...
評分在《Chinese Propaganda Poster》中,Landsberger 的文章《The Rise and Fall of the Chinese Propaganda Poster》基本簡要的迴顧瞭作為政治宣傳海報在文革以來的大概變遷,當然書中涉及的不隻是“政治”,還有大量80年代改革開放以來各種“社會新風尚”,猶如活化石般審視瞭前...
圖書標籤: 曆史 宣傳 中國 Design 藝術 設計 平麵設計 中國
A book hard to categorize, but still worth reading. A perfect reference to those who lived under Mao and post-Mao times. 守得住,看得清,辨得明,何其之難。
評分關於這書想起個事…這本書有個日本版,日本人故意搞事把一張圖裏孩子的頭改成瞭某甲級戰犯的臉。 所以要買的話,還是Taschen齣版的比較好(還便宜)
Chinese Propaganda Posters 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載