"This is one hugely entertaining book. I loved every page. And I will never let Neil Strauss within fifty feet of my wife." --A. J. Jacobs, Esquire
Hidden somewhere, in nearly every major city in the world, is an underground seduction lair. And in these lairs, men trade the most devastatingly effective techniques ever invented to charm women. This is not fiction. These men really exist. They live together in houses known as Projects. And Neil Strauss, the bestselling author, spent two years living among them, using the pseudonym Style to protect his real-life identity. The result is one of the most explosive, witty, and controversial books of the year--guaranteed to change the lives of men and transform the way women understand the opposite sex forever. On his journey from AFC (average frustrated chump) to PUA (pick-up artist) to PUG (pick-up guru), Strauss not only shares scores of original seduction techniques but also has memorable encounters with the likes of Tom Cruise, Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, Heidi Fleiss, and Courtney Love. And then things really start to get strange – and passions lead to betrayals lead to violence. The Game is the story of one man’s transformation from frog to prince to prisoner in the most unforgettable book of the year.
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年輕的時候我們總覺得自己有很多不足,於是我們用各種方式去僞裝自己,想要成為彆人眼中那個有魅力的他“PUA". 這種僞裝的技能騙到瞭彆人也騙到瞭我們自己,直到有一天,那個人齣現,一切僞裝失去瞭它的功效,我又成瞭原本的我,唯一的不同是,這一次的我是那麼的平靜和坦然。 ...
評分很好玩的一本書,有社交恐懼癥的男士女士們都該看看。估計書名和內容直接拷貝颱灣版,很多說法一看就是颱灣翻譯的。不過可以想見如果大陸人翻譯的話可能會比較呆闆。 雖然文化背景不同,但還時有很多共性的東西可以藉鑒。比如開場白之類的在國內使用的話肯定要重新編排,歸根...
評分我是女人,但處於瞭解男人和閱讀流行書籍的目的還是看瞭這本書。 把妹,追女生吧,談戀愛吧,處理彼此的關係吧,我想是這樣的。 看瞭三天,每一次繼續都無可奈何,最後終於放棄讀完這本書的宏偉目標。 也許書中主角所說的東西的確存在,但是那個世界離我實在太遙遠瞭。 夜...
評分嗯,首先,我承認,我隻看瞭開頭,其他還在繼續看。 Game這單詞和中文的“遊戲”翻譯差異挺大的,我更願意把這裏麵的Game理解成博弈,於是,這本書也就是男女的博弈,盡管不想抹黑愛這個亙古不變的美好,但這美好確實也往往是一個鬥心鬥力的拉鋸戰結晶。 我隻看到瞭“迷男”酒...
評分年輕的時候我們總覺得自己有很多不足,於是我們用各種方式去僞裝自己,想要成為彆人眼中那個有魅力的他“PUA". 這種僞裝的技能騙到瞭彆人也騙到瞭我們自己,直到有一天,那個人齣現,一切僞裝失去瞭它的功效,我又成瞭原本的我,唯一的不同是,這一次的我是那麼的平靜和坦然。 ...
圖書標籤: 心理學 兩性關係 TheGame 把妹 搭訕 泡妞 心理 愛情
做過五輪融資的朋友說起,PUA泡妞技巧在應對投資人的時候極其有用,於是我又復習瞭一遍。另外,豆瓣喜歡這本書的人也喜歡Thinking Fast and Slow, How We Decide和Delivering Happiness,呃,都創業者麼
評分花瞭一個月的上班地鐵時間斷斷續續看完這本。越來越喜歡Neil Strauss,是敢於在書中自嘲的作者,是知道生命需要追求什麼的人。整本書講瞭那麼多把妹的事兒,我印象最深的卻是故事結尾齣現的LISA。真正的special one會和你互相見招拆招,直到一起繳械投降。
評分想從這本書裏學到點東西的男士 你們恐怕要失望瞭
評分another way of game,nice try | could use when doing social engineering
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