Many serious Java programmers, especially enterprise Java programmers, consider the new I/O API--called NIO for New Input/Output--the most important feature in the 1.4 version of the Java 2 Standard Edition. The NIO package includes many things that have been missing from previous editions of Java that are critical to writing high-performance, large-scale applications: improvements in the areas of buffer management, scalable network and file I/O, character-set support, and regular expression matching. Most of all, it boosts performance and speed dramatically. Java NIO explores the new I/O capabilities of version 1.4 in detail and shows you how to put these features to work to greatly improve the efficiency of the Java code you write. This compact volume examines the typical challenges that Java programmers face with I/O and shows you how to take advantage of the capabilities of the new I/O features. You?ll learn how to put these tools to work using examples of common, real-world I/O problems and see how the new features have a direct impact on responsiveness, scalability, and reliability. The book includes: * A rundown of the new features in NIO * Basic and advanced I/O Concepts * Binary I/O and the new buffer classes * Memory mapped files and file locking * Character I/O: encoding, decoding and transforming character data * Regular Expressions and the new java.util.regex package * Muliplexing with java.nio Because the NIO APIs supplement the I/O features of version 1.3, rather than replace them, you'll also learn when to use new APIs and when the older 1.3 I/O APIs are better suited to your particular application. Java NIO is for any Java programmer who is interested in learning how to boost I/O performance, but if you're developing applications where performance is critical, such as game computing or large-scale enterprise applications, you'll want to give this book a permanent spot on your bookshelf. With the NIO APIs, Java no longer takes a backseat to any language when it comes to performance. Java NIO will help you realize the benefits of these exciting new features.
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這本書的內容很基礎、詳盡,推薦看看,學習java nio很好的資料。 抱歉,你的評論太短瞭 抱歉,你的評論太短瞭 抱歉,你的評論太短瞭 抱歉,你的評論太短瞭 抱歉,你的評論太短瞭 抱歉,你的評論太短瞭 抱歉,你的評論太短瞭 抱歉,你的評論太短瞭 抱歉,你的評論太短瞭
評分這本書的內容很基礎、詳盡,推薦看看,學習java nio很好的資料。 抱歉,你的評論太短瞭 抱歉,你的評論太短瞭 抱歉,你的評論太短瞭 抱歉,你的評論太短瞭 抱歉,你的評論太短瞭 抱歉,你的評論太短瞭 抱歉,你的評論太短瞭 抱歉,你的評論太短瞭 抱歉,你的評論太短瞭
評分雖然這是一本比較舊的書,講解的內容也是比較老的 - JDK 1.4引入的NIO機製,現在的JDK7都已經是異步IO瞭。但是對於不太瞭解NIO的同學還是可以去讀一讀。第一章和第四章我覺得講解的最好,特彆是第四章,將select調用相關的知識都覆蓋到瞭。後麵第五,第六章可以不看。想瞭解正...
評分我認為是 java 從業者必讀的一本書。中英文版在網絡上都可以下載到。推薦朋友們讀一讀。作者寫的也是十分的簡明易懂。在工作中和找工作的時候,這本書中的內容一定會用到的。 注: 我沒什麼可以寫的瞭。還寫什麼啊。
評分這本書首先介紹瞭操作係統層麵上的IO原理, 然後詳細的分析瞭NIO的各個方麵, 包括緩衝區, 字符集, 選擇器, 選擇鍵, 也對NIO使用過程中常見的錯誤和陷阱做瞭標注. 這是一本難度不高的書, 值得所有java程序員閱讀, 尤其是需要編寫網絡層代碼的程序員. 我曾多次在工作中使用NIO做...
圖書標籤: nio java Java 網絡編程 編程 NIO 計算機 JAVA
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