马爱农,1964 年生,人民文学出版社编审,文学翻译家。译著有《爱伦•坡短篇小说选》、《船讯》、《绿野仙踪》、《黑骏马》以及《哈利•波特》系列等。
Naked Lunch 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
Naked Lunch解释了William Burroughs为何被称为垮世代运动(Beat Movement)的精神之父,比起Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, 他的文字更为腐烂、沦丧、破败……为了躲避被他视为恶灵的理性,将字句切割随意重组,用超现实主义的自动写作穿行不法的想象力,没有情节、角色、时间...
评分 评分这本书就像书的结尾描述的那样。“本书的内容像四面八方铺陈,如同万花筒,混杂着各种旋律、各种噪音,放屁声,惊惧的叫声,金属百叶窗的撞击声,痛苦、凄楚的喊叫,受虐的惨叫,交配的猫,远离家乡的金斑鸟的鸣叫,因肉豆蔻而沉醉的昆虫的先知般的呢喃,脖子折断的声音,曼德...
评分这老头能活83岁,也是奇迹。他的一生是跟吸毒、流浪、强奸、暴力、腐烂、浓血、同性恋、精神崩溃混合在一起的,肉体精神双崩溃,一辈子彻底操蛋,然后居然活83岁安享晚年------比高尔基幸福多了。 他们家老头有钱,这家伙哈佛大学(就是我们的北大?)获英语博士学位(人家的...
评分这是一本极度恶心、疯狂、直逼逼却又让人无法放下的一本书。 如果你没有相当的忍耐力,真心劝你不要翻开此书,其恶心程度真不是闹着玩的,尤其是那些习惯了华丽丽的虚幻的小清新的小朋友们,更不要闹太套了。那种纯粹生理的不适感说不定会让你瞬间喷出刚刚咽下去的韭菜馅的包子...
图书标签: william.s.burroughs 垮掉的一代 美国 小说 Burroughs 毒品 外国文学 英文
Since its original publication in Paris in 1959, Naked Lunch has become one of the most important novels of the 20th century. Exerting its influence on the work of authors like Thomas Pynchon, J. G. Ballard, and William Gibson, on the relationship of art and obscenity, and on the shape of music, film, and media generally, it is one of the books that redefined not just literature but American culture. Now, nearly forty years after the book's first U.S. appearance, Burroughs scholar Barry Miles and Burroughs's longtime editor James Grauerholz have given us an edition of the book which includes many editorial corrections to errors present in the existing text, and incorporates Burroughs's notes on the text, several essays he wrote over the years about the book, and, most excitingly, an appendix of twenty percent new material and alternate drafts from the original manuscript, which predates the edition eventually was published by Olympia Press in Paris. For the Burroughs enthusiast and the neophyte, this volume is a valuable and fresh experience of perhaps his most enduring artistic legacy.
vomiting on the train back to SH bc of reading this, my life sucks as yours
评分I can't.
评分除了junk之外,出现频率最高的词就是boy's ass,真是又黄又gay又暴力
评分看完感觉自己都快成了professional in Junkie...偷用别人一句评论,it is a vomit
Naked Lunch 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书