James B. Stewart, front-page editor of The Wall Street Journal, is the author of The Partners and The Prosecutors. He was awarded the 1988 Pulitzer prize with Daniel Hertzberg for their stories on the 1987 stock market crash and the insider-trading scandal. He lives in New York City.
Den of Thieves 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
大头帮我买的这本书.封面完全订反了.想要对的书的时候,当当网却说,基本上没货了. 没辙,抱着厌恶的感觉的看了第一章,结果,被内容深深的吸引了.看完以后,有几点感悟: 1.金融行业能够创造价值,但是这个价值与实际的收入实在很难说匹配 2.人的贪心是无可测度的,不要轻易考...
评分The author wrote the story from a prosecutor's perspective, narrative, accurate, informative and objective. A good book to know how the system was run corruptly in the buyout fury and junk bond ruling age, but not so beneficial to people who want to underst...
评分This book was really well writen and covers the breadth of what goes on in the investment banking world. I like the introductions on how the major investment houses started, and the roles of the Investment bankers, traders, lawyers, arbitragers etc. The cen...
评分 评分在华尔街成功有很多种方式。 你可以凭独到的眼光,扎实的金融分析功底,对市场的灵敏地嗅觉出人投地。你也可以走捷径,利用自己的职务之便来编织一个从事内幕交易圈子。圈子里可以实现看似更高的收益/风险比。你可以欺骗所有的人于一时,你也可以欺骗某些人一世,但你无法欺骗...
图书标签: 金融 华尔街 投资 Wall-Street 历史 小说 Finance 投行
本书作者荣获 1992 年普立兹奖,经过深入调查与锲而不舍的追踪探问,终于抽丝剥茧地,揭露了华尔街有史以来的最大宗内线交易的丑闻案,并一举起出由四大天王共谋的数十亿 违约交割的经过,卒令邪不胜正,应验了中国人的智慧警语:天网恢恢,疏而不漏。情节紧凑,剧力万钧,引人入胜,是一本读罢依然令你不舍得搁手的好书。
评分非常好看,前半本故事性很强,除了老套的内幕交易,还有其他一些与并购相关的操纵股价以及其他arbitrage的操作,挺有意思。后半本戏剧性比较强,但是干货就不太多了,当然律师还是要好好看,证券犯罪跟其他犯罪其实也差不多,到头来都是各方政治力量的博弈,不过因为有资本市场这个背景在,有些问题可能会更加敏感。(SEC让Boesky卖股票这个操作真是太好笑了,这个真的是literally insider trading)
评分Finance thrives on asymmetric information...
评分Full detailed report on the insider trading scandal on Wall Street.
Den of Thieves 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书