Nearly 20 years ago, former General Electric CEO Reg Jones walked into Jack Welch's office and wrapped him in a bear hug. "Congratulations, Mr. Chairman," said Reg. It was a defining moment for American business. So begins the story of a self-made man and a self-described rebel who thrived in one of the most volatile and economically robust eras in U.S. history, while managing to maintain a unique leadership style. In what is the most anticipated book on business management for our time, Jack Welch surveys the landscape of his career running one of the world's largest and most successful corporations.
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GE提齣瞭"A級人纔標準"並嚮各個業務部門和全球推廣。這種領導人需要具有4E品質,即:充沛的精力(Energy);激發彆人的能力(Energi zer);敢於提齣強硬要求--要有棱角(Edge);執行的能力(Execute)--不斷將遠見變為實績的能力。
評分說實話,這本書是我反復咀嚼纔有瞭這麼一點小感悟,但可能是全書的精華瞭。 韋爾奇不是一個管理者,而是一個領導者。 韋爾奇的很多想法,我覺得都不夠現實。但是韋爾奇的最大優點就是相信這些理想化的願景,著力去推廣並呼籲人們去做到,不但這些想法最後實現瞭,...
評分第一次看到這本書大概是在8年之前,當時放學後的我像往常一樣到書店閑逛,由於之前已經看過央視《對話》欄目中的很多受采訪的企業傢正在讀這本書的影像,所以當我第一眼看到它時就毫不猶豫的嚮同學藉錢買瞭下來。我想把它買迴來送給父親。 可能是太年輕涉世不深...
評分韋爾奇的成功之道就是三條:用好人、選好項目、充分授權。 大道理誰都懂,可真做的不多,韋爾奇是個實踐傢! 中國的老闆和經理人也是知道要作好企業,抓好人、財、物是鍵。可還是有多人想去現場大乾,結果沒有重點,下邊人看到上邊不授權,也就沒瞭責任人。
圖書標籤: 傳記 美國 自傳 人物傳記 2011 2001
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評分"Jack is the Tiger Woods of management. All CEOs want to emulate him. They won't be able to, but they'll come closer if they listen carefully to what he has to say." - Warren Buffett
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評分"Jack is the Tiger Woods of management. All CEOs want to emulate him. They won't be able to, but they'll come closer if they listen carefully to what he has to say." - Warren Buffett
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