獲愛倫•坡終身大師奬(The Edgar Awards for Grand Master)
獲鑽研匕首奬(The CWA Cartier Diamond Dagger)
兩獲馬耳他之鷹奬(The Maltese Falcon Award)
三獲愛倫•坡最佳小說奬(Edgar Awards for Best Novel)
四獲夏姆斯奬(Shamus Award)
In his sixteenth Matthew Scudder novel, All the Flowers Are Dying, <em>New York Times</em> bestselling author Lawrence Block takes the award-winning series to a new level of suspense and a new depth of characterization. Building on the critical and commercial success of Hope to Die, Block puts Scudder -- and the reader -- at the very edge of the abyss.</p>
Scudder, a complex character who has grown and aged in real time, confronts the implacable challenge of mortality. But he must also tackle a determined, relentless, and icily inhuman adversary, perhaps the most unforgettable villain Block has ever created.</p>
A man in a Virginia prison awaits execution for three hideous murders he swears, in the face of irrefutable evidence, he did not commit. A psychologist who claims to believe the convict spends hours with the man in his death row cell, and ultimately watches in the gallery as the lethal injection is administered. His work completed, the psychologist heads back to New York City to attend to unfinished business.</p>
Meanwhile, Scudder has just agreed to investigate the ostensibly suspicious online lover of an acquaintance. It seems simple enough. At first. But when people start dying and the victims are increasingly closer to home, it becomes clear that a vicious killer is at work. And the final targets may be Matt and Elaine Scudder.</p>
The suspense is breathtaking, the outcome never certain. A series that has garnered no end of awards -- the Edgar, the Shamus, the Philip Marlowe, the MalteseFalcon -- has ascended to a dizzying new height. With this novel, Lawrence Block, who recently received the Diamond Dagger for lifetime achievement from the Crime Writers Association of the United Kingdom, is at the very top of his form.</p>
All the Flowers Are Dying (Matthew Scudder Mysteries) 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
布洛剋在北京大學的演講中說:“馬修係列的曆史可能比在座許多人的生命都長。”這是一個從警局辭職、沒有執照的私人偵探,離異、獨居,與妓女廝混,和街頭混混為友的特立獨行的偵探。馬修斯卡德是一個不完美的英雄,這也是很多人喜歡他的一點。 (本文作者:陳老闆) “我喜歡...
評分做為一個偵探,他身上有著太多詩人的浪漫氣息,而要是做為一個詩人,他身上又有著許多的冷硬與果決。 穿行於滿是悲傷、失落、與死亡的紐約,他的浪漫是歲月蹉跎後留下的無盡蒼涼,如果他不是一個偵探,如果他不齣現在勞倫斯 布洛剋的小說故事裏。他的詩意會像他喜歡的...
評分跟一個朋友聊天的時候,我們曾經麵臨一個共同的睏惑:如果有一天能跟老頭布洛剋對坐,會跟他說些什麼?當時我們都沒有答案。與布洛剋的交往,似乎在閱讀中完成這種相遇,最為完美。 今天清晨,我放下手中的《繁花將盡》,突然想到瞭對布洛剋說的兩句話:“為什麼會有這麼好的小...
評分1. 封底上引用《華盛頓郵報》的書評,用瞭一個字叫unputdownable。拼貼造字大好,小說本身嘛...not so much,大概是因為上一本看的是Hit & Run吧。 2. Scudder係列裡麵插瞭第三人稱視角,蠻不適應的,尤其那些章節通篇是斜體,害得我看到正常字體的時候覺得它們都又方又胖並且...
評分1. 封底上引用《華盛頓郵報》的書評,用瞭一個字叫unputdownable。拼貼造字大好,小說本身嘛...not so much,大概是因為上一本看的是Hit & Run吧。 2. Scudder係列裡麵插瞭第三人稱視角,蠻不適應的,尤其那些章節通篇是斜體,害得我看到正常字體的時候覺得它們都又方又胖並且...
圖書標籤: Block 推理 Scudder Lawrence_Block Lawrence 犯罪 懸疑 偵探小說
Bye Bye, Danny Boy
評分Bye Bye, Danny Boy
評分網上找不到,就高價買瞭實體書,看瞭,也不妄我等瞭一個月的期待,不是他最好的一本,但是我最喜歡的係列的目前最後一本。怎麼說呢,目前生日願望最大的願望就是Block要好好的健康的繼續把這個係列寫下去!就象我知道AAFair已經去世,Donald Lanm Mystery係列隻有29本時一樣,真的不捨得把書一下看完啊!
評分網上找不到,就高價買瞭實體書,看瞭,也不妄我等瞭一個月的期待,不是他最好的一本,但是我最喜歡的係列的目前最後一本。怎麼說呢,目前生日願望最大的願望就是Block要好好的健康的繼續把這個係列寫下去!就象我知道AAFair已經去世,Donald Lanm Mystery係列隻有29本時一樣,真的不捨得把書一下看完啊!
評分網上找不到,就高價買瞭實體書,看瞭,也不妄我等瞭一個月的期待,不是他最好的一本,但是我最喜歡的係列的目前最後一本。怎麼說呢,目前生日願望最大的願望就是Block要好好的健康的繼續把這個係列寫下去!就象我知道AAFair已經去世,Donald Lanm Mystery係列隻有29本時一樣,真的不捨得把書一下看完啊!
All the Flowers Are Dying (Matthew Scudder Mysteries) 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載