Andrew Troelsen 世界級C#專傢,微軟Visual C# MVP。他是著名的微軟技術谘詢企業Intertech的閤夥人和副總裁,該公司的客戶包括微軟、霍尼韋爾、美國宇航局等。他曾為MSDN網站和 MacTech網站撰寫瞭有關各種操作係統平颱上.NET技術的文章,並經常在業界主要技術會議上發錶演講和開設技術講座。除本書外,他還撰寫瞭COM and .NET Interoperability和Visual Basic .NET and the .NET Platform: An Advanced Guide等十多部.NET技術方麵的著作。
Purchase this book and you'll get the free, fully searchable eBook--a $30 value! (Details are printed inside the book.)</p>
C# 2005 has changed the .NET 2.0 landscape. To name just a few improvements, C# now supports generics, partial types and nullable types when you're coding. And the Framework boasts improved speed, data access, security, and scalability.</p>
This book has been written to help you assimilate all this new information and realize its potential to make your coding life easier. It will keep you ahead of the curve. To make it easy for you to access this information, the book has been loosely grouped into five sections:</p>
1. Introducing C# 2005 and the .NET 2.0 Platform explains the mechanics of .NET programming and the philosophy that lies behind it
2. The C# Programming Language outlines everything you need to know to start using C# 2005 quickly and efficiently. Object lifetimes, exception handling, generics--it's all here
3. Programming with .NET Assemblies deals with one of the most important aspects of .NET programming: reusing code. This book shows you how to capture your code in reuseable external assemblies that you can call upon throughout your applications
4. Programming with the .NET Libraries guides you through them. Of course you're not expected to write every function yourself. The .NET Framework provides a vast array of .NET Libraries containing functionality that allows you to do everything from opening a file-stream to rendering graphical data to the screen
5. Web Applications and XML Web Services concludes the book by taking you away from console-based C# applications and investigating the myriad possibilities that become available when you blend C# 2005 with ASP.NET 2.0 to launch your applications onto the Internet
Pro C# 2005 and the .NET 2.0 Platform, Third Edition 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
評分這本書是本人學習C#與.NET編程開發的必備參考書。通過它可以迅速提高。這本書較厚,C# 2005 和 .NET 3.0 的內容全部覆蓋並都有實例講解。給本人印象較深的是IL方麵的知識內容,這是.NET係開發工程師通往高級軟工所必須掌握的技能之一! 在這裏,本人推薦款很好...
評分★ C# and the .NET Platform (June 20, 2001) ★ C# and the .NET Platform, 2nd Edition (June 5, 2003) ★ Pro C# 2005 and the .NET 2.0 Platform, 3rd Edition (September 14, 2005) ★ Pro C# with .NET 3.0, Special Edition (February 5, 2007) -- C#與.NET 3.0高級...
評分不用說瞭,我正在學習這本書。 對於我來說簡直如獲至寶。 其經典不亞於《C#入門經典》,但是翻譯還是有些錯誤。 彆的不說,質量說瞭算。 建議欲買此書的人先去書店看看,畢竟這本書還是價錢不菲。 也可在網上免費試讀,下麵是試讀網址:
圖書標籤: .net 計算機科學 編程 Programming DotNet 2007
Pro C# 2005 and the .NET 2.0 Platform, Third Edition 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載