乔治•伦纳德 (1923-2010),美国畅销书作家、著名编辑、权威教育家。
Mastery 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
无论何时,当您想要学点新东西时,都有成为大师的潜质。 以前我们总是认为只有天赋异禀的奇才才能追求将事情做到极致的境界。其实,并非只有天才,或是在幼年从童子功练起的幸运儿才能走上这条路。凡是有心求索的人,无论其年龄、性别,或是有过怎样的身世,随时都可以踏上...
评分 评分主要记下两点: 1. 商业社会对待幸福和练习的态度, 及作者的看法. 2. 好的练习 (mastery) 是怎样的. 商业社会宣传这样一种价值观: 幸福与"享乐"等价, 进而与"消费"等价. 以广告为例, 其中人表现出的幸福(快乐, 满足感, 和睦的家庭等等)都源于某种商品, 进而源于消费行为. 这样...
评分不得不承认,这是一本极简单又极深刻,极平淡又极伟大的书。看完这本书才发现,现在畅销的许多成功励志书中很多观点都是从这书中衍伸而来的。 读这样一本经典的小书,就像在和一位参透人间世事的智者对话,很舒服,也很长见识。它省掉了我们在众多同类书中挑书的种种...
评分A classic statement of aikido's philosophy and its translation to everyday activities.Deeply felt, beautifully written, and filled with insights about our largely hidden potentials. This book will take its place among the great and lasting works about the m...
图书标签: 学习 学习方法 个人管理 成长 自我成长 思维 方法论 教育
Drawing on Zen philosophy and his expertise in the martial art of aikido, bestselling author George Leonard shows how the process of mastery can help us attain a higher level of excellence and a deeper sense of satisfaction and fulfillment in our daily lives. Whether you’re seeking to improve your career or your intimate relationships, increase self-esteem or create harmony within yourself, this inspiring prescriptive guide will help you master anything you choose and achieve success in all areas of your life.
In Mastery , you’ll discover:
The 5 Essential Keys to Mastery Tools for Mastery Mastery and Energy How to Master Your Athletic Potential The 3 Personality Types that Are Obstacles to Mastery How to Avoid Pitfalls Along the Path
and more . . .
看这本书的时候,想起几年前翻译的《Happiness》,想起那时的自己,想起自己也曾经on the Mastery journey。走了段弯路,现在该回正道了。
Mastery 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书