THE STOLEN CHILD is the story of Henry Day, a seven-year-old kidnapped by a strange group living in the dark forest near his home. He is stolen by changelings—ageless beings whose secret community is threatened by encroaching modern life. They give Henry a new name, Aniday, and the gift of agelessness—now and forever, he will be seven years old. In keeping with tradition, the group has left another child in Henry’s place. This changeling boy, who has morphed himself into Henry’s duplicate, must adjust to a completely new way of life and hide his true identity from the Day family. But he can’t hide his extraordinary talent for the piano (a skill the real Henry never displayed), and his near-perfect performances prompt his father to suspect that the son he has raised is an imposter. As he grows older the new Henry Day becomes haunted by vague but persistent memories of life in another time and place, of a German piano teacher and his prodigy. Both Henry and Aniday search obsessively for who they were before they changed places in the world.
Narrated in the alternating voices of Henry Day and his double, THE STOLEN CHILD is a classic tale of the search for identity and leaving childhood. With just the right mix of fantasy and realism, Keith Donohue creates a literary fable of remarkable depth and strange delights. The result is a bedtime story for adults, which will appeal to readers charmed and captivated by such recent bestsellers as Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell, and The Confessions of Max Tivoli and by the classics of Tolkien and J. M. Barrie.</p>
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走吧,人間的孩子 / 與一個精靈手拉手 / 走嚮荒野和河流 / 這個世界哭聲太多瞭,你不懂。” 一百多年前,詩人葉芝,寫過一首小詩《失竊的孩子》。詩中,仙靈將孩子從溫暖的壁爐邊誘走,帶到史留斯森林高地,那裏有花有水,遠離塵囂,孩子和仙靈們吃著漿果和櫻桃,尋找熟...
評分“彆管叫我妖精。我們再也不喜歡被人叫做妖精瞭。”從第一句話開始,小說就把讀者帶入瞭奇境。時間遽然倒流,那時候世界仍然古老,仍然有人相信童話和傳說,沒有電視天綫,沒有摩天大樓,鎮子外麵,森林幽深靜謐,無人涉足其中,那裏隱藏著仙女和精靈。 小說的主角是兩個小孩...
評分走吧,人間的孩子 / 與一個精靈手拉手 / 走嚮荒野和河流 / 這個世界哭聲太多瞭,你不懂。” 一百多年前,詩人葉芝,寫過一首小詩《失竊的孩子》。詩中,仙靈將孩子從溫暖的壁爐邊誘走,帶到史留斯森林高地,那裏有花有水,遠離塵囂,孩子和仙靈們吃著漿果和櫻桃,尋找熟...
評分“彆管叫我妖精。我們再也不喜歡被人叫做妖精瞭。”從第一句話開始,小說就把讀者帶入瞭奇境。時間遽然倒流,那時候世界仍然古老,仍然有人相信童話和傳說,沒有電視天綫,沒有摩天大樓,鎮子外麵,森林幽深靜謐,無人涉足其中,那裏隱藏著仙女和精靈。 小說的主角是兩個小孩...
評分走吧,人間的孩子 / 與一個精靈手拉手 / 走嚮荒野和河流 / 這個世界哭聲太多瞭,你不懂。” 一百多年前,詩人葉芝,寫過一首小詩《失竊的孩子》。詩中,仙靈將孩子從溫暖的壁爐邊誘走,帶到史留斯森林高地,那裏有花有水,遠離塵囂,孩子和仙靈們吃著漿果和櫻桃,尋找熟...
圖書標籤: 小說 英文原版 child fiction KeithDonohue 英文 有聲書 奇幻
Not my cup of tea
評分朋友推薦的愛爾蘭民間童話 結果誤買瞭另一本同名書 看完一臉黑綫。。 終於迴歸正確版本 喜歡chageling們頑強的想象力和生命力
評分Not my cup of tea
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