Please Kill Me 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
好,让我们一起坐下来想象,那些居心叵测的总想粉饰摇滚的伪善的人们,在读这本书的时候,会将自己道貌岸然的脸庞扭曲成一个怎样匪夷所思的形状。 这本书的包装一点都不诱人,从封面TELEVISION半死不活的表情以及胸口的血,到那个仿佛无聊的小报试图吸引人们眼球的烂俗标题“...
评分摇滚的生命在于叛逆,今天的人已经不知道还有什么可以去叛逆的了,该叛的都被人叛完了。所以摇滚式微,老崔窦唯之类都奔电子与爵士去也。偶然听到一个清新的声音,也只不过昙花一现。 书名让我想起Beck的那首Loser: I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me...
评分这是一本充满魔性的书,就像书名一样《请宰了我》,迷失、抗争、绝望。 这是一段用访谈的语言拼凑起来的摇滚史。讲述者都是头顶闪烁光环的名字。 这是一场光怪陆离的宏大电影,镜头里都是用生命演绎的华美场景。 这是一代人的挣扎和呐喊,每个人用...
图书标签: 访谈
What Britain refined, America defined. Assembled by two key figures at the heart of the movement and told through the voices o musicians, artists, iconoclastic reporters and entrepreneurial groupies, PLEASE KILL ME is the full decadent story of the American punk scene, through the early years of Andy Warhol's Factory to the New York underground of Max's Kansas City and later, its heyday at CBGB's, spiritual home to the Ramones, Talking Heads, Television and Blondie. PLEASE KILL ME goes backstage and behind apartment doors to chronicle the sex, drugs and power struggles that were the very fabric of the American punk community, to the time before piercing and tattoos became commonplace and when every concert, new band and fashion statement marked an absolute first. From Iggy Pop and Lou Reed to the Clash and the Sex Pistols (the first time around), Mc Neil and Mc Cain document a time of glorious self-destruction and perverse innocence - possibly the last time so many will so much fun in the pursuit of excess.
Please Kill Me 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书