雅克·阿达利(Jacques Attali)是当代法国著名学术与政治人物,曾任法国总统密特朗的特别顾问,他的作品涉及面广,并具有历史文化的内涵,深受欧美知识界的重视。他的另一本著作《智慧之路-论迷宫》也已被翻译出版 见www.douban.com/subject/1043617/
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阿达利论述了四个阶段:牺牲、代表、重复、创作。这些已不再赘述。 原始祭祀音乐和机械复制时代、景观等理论是老生常谈的理论,不管是听觉还是视觉都是共通的。 这里比较感兴趣的还是阿达利对噪音和自由爵士即兴的论述。 首先是阿达利在这方面也有太多观点可在《千高原》中寻到...
评分音樂的社會歷史,在這兒分開5個章節:聆聽、犧牲、代表、重覆、作 樂。如題目所暗示:音樂如何顛覆社會常規?此書將會深入探討音樂在 歷史上的社會功用。
评分典型的法国思想风格,博学,灵巧。 p5 19世纪留声、摄影发明之后,音乐随着唱片的流通而变得容易取得,因此失去了其宗教观念的性格,也失去了原创性及品味。回到街头,自由爵士是阿达利的希望。 对于音乐的把握精炼有效。 p31 噪音是一种武器,而音乐,在最初的时候,帮助这...
图书标签: 音乐 音乐理论 Jacques_Attali 人类学 noise 社会 媒体 Economy
Attali's essential argument in Noise: The Political Economy of Music is that music, as a cultural form, is intimately tied up in the mode of production in any given society. For marxist critics, this idea is nothing new. The novelty of Attali's work is that it reverses the traditional understandings about how revolutions in the mode of production take place:
[Attali] is the first to point out the other possible logical consequence of the “reciprocal interaction” model—namely, the possibility of a superstructure to anticipate historical developments, to foreshadow new social formations in a prophetic and annunciatory way. The argument of Noise is that music, unique among the arts for reasons that are themselves overdetermined, has precisely this annunciatory vocation; that the music of today stands both as a promise of a new, liberating mode of production, and as the menace of a dystopian possibility which is that mode of production’s baleful mirror image.[1]
the foreword is written by Fredric Jameson...
评分只看了一部分,除了作者偶尔会不好好说话之外还是很精彩的,而且居然是80年代写的!Frederic Jameson作序。
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