There have been two great shifts of power on the world stage during the past five centuries: the rise of Europe following the Industrial Revolution, and the rise of the United States after its Civil War. As we speak, a new power shift is beginning to take shape: the rise of Asia. Leading Asia's charge toward the world's center stage are the reemerging powers of China and India. To answer and adapt to such new challenges, the United States must develop a thorough understanding of the society of China. This book is a groundbreaking work in China Studies. For generations, China scholars have pursued the structure of Chinese social stratification, but none has completely succeeded in constructing even a single, complete model. The Annual Review of Sociology 2002 reported: "Insufficient research attention has been given to emerging social classes in rural and urban China and existing analysis are hampered by the still evolving nature of social and economic structures in which social classes are in the making. Thus, insightful analysis and reliable assessments are to be called for from future researchers." The Structure & Evolution of Chinese Social Stratification has finally addressed this gap. Dr. Li provides detailed analysis critical to understanding the class structure of Chinese society, both pre-1949 and in the post-Mao era. His explanation of the origin, structure, and evolution of the model will be essential reading material for any introductory student of Chinese society.
The Structure and Evolution of Chinese Social Stratification 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載 李毅:剝奪既得利益 頂層設計 強力實施 ——中國城鎮化大戰略之十三 大城市,特彆是國際大都市的中心區,是國傢和民族的大腦和心髒,是世界的中心,是服務中心,是創新中心,是管理中心,是總部經濟中心,是...
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圖書標籤: 社會學 社會分層 社會 中國
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