W. Jason Gilmore,世界知名的PHP开发人员,曾开发了大量PHP和MySQL应用程序,并在各大专业媒体发表了众多脍炙人口的文章。目前,Jason在开发之余,还负责着Apress出版公司的开源图书出版项目。
Beginning PHP 5 and MySQL 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分看到第三章 数组,发现很多低级错误,文章内容和代码示例都对不上,讲的是一个函数,代码示例却是另一个的,我特地下载了英文原版的来对照,发现真是翻译时弄混了。 例如:5.8.1 合并数组 array_merge()函数,紧接着下面说其形式为array array_merge_recursive(array array1, a...
评分PHPgn MYSQL5程序设计这本书 还可以,不过…… 仁者见仁,智者见智! 学习是好事,要多给自己充电学习, 书名: PHP与MySQL 5程序设计 页数: 634 译者: 朱涛江 定价: 79 出版社: 人民邮电出版社 出版年: 2007年01月 ................................................
图书标签: MySQL php PHP5 web Apache
<STRONG>Beginning PHP 5 and MySQL: From Novice to Professional</STRONG>, offers a comprehensive introduction to two of the most popular web application building technologies on the planet: the scripting language PHP and the MySQL database server. Readers are not only exposed to the core aspects of both technologies, but also gain valuable insight into how they are used in unison to create dynamic data-driven web applications. It is the first book to delve into the features of the latest releases of the world's most popular open source web development technologies, the MySQL 4 database server and PHP 4 scripting language. Not only will readers profit from extensive introductions to the core features of each technology, but also from insight into the cutting-edge, sometimes undocumented features of the most recent versions.
Beginning PHP 5 and MySQL 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书