The Tale of Genji (Penguin Classics) 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
说起来,源氏是非常舒适的枕边书.但也只能是枕边书.夜深人静时候闲闲看上一章.若是大白日里一章章通读下来,只怕好多人都会被那些琐碎重复的描写闷死的. 我这些天在想物语里那些母女两代承恩的故事.夕颜和玉鬘,六条和秋好.都是非常有意思的对比. 夕颜出场时已是一女之母,但却让...
评分人生如行梦浮桥,颤颤巍巍恐失足 她是宇治十帖的女三号,八亲王的私生女,从小在乡下长大的内向女性。宇治十帖的女主人公们,大多平凡无奇,即使是宇治的大君和中君,虽然描写的风华绝代,但是只要一对比,论相貌她们必然不如紫之上,论才情不如六条御息所,论气质...
评分古扶桑国有天皇之子赐姓源氏者,容貌昳丽,风采照人,号“光华公子”。其母昔为天皇更衣,备极恩宠,及亡,上哀甚,视公子若珍宝,不忍小草之孤零,哪堪长风之侵扰。待公子渐长,使出为臣籍,结亲大臣,欲以己之力,厚公子之势,报弘徽之恨,成关白之业。 公子性风流,好渔色,...
评分源氏物语是在08年留学时带来的,本想在飞机上无聊看看,结果一直没看,直到最近因一些喜爱的日本艺术品,打算还是了解一下日本的文学。对日本文学艺术了解不深,所以只谈谈个人感受。 虽然此书顶着种种大名,可是我不喜欢,越读越恶心。全书的基调是以男本位,女人充其量就是...
In the tradition of Robert Fagles's translation of the Iliad and the Odyssey, Viking presents a stunning translation of Lady Murasaki's exquisite portrait of courtly life in medieval Japan. Written in the eleventh century, The Tale of Genji is widely celebrated as the world's first novel, but as Donald Keene has observed, it is also "one of its greatest." Genji the Shining Prince, the son of an emperor, is a passionate character whose tempestuous nature, family circumstances, love affairs, alliances, and shifting political fortunes form the core of this magnificent epic. Throughout, The Tale of Genji offers a lively and well-rounded glimpse of golden age Japan with a cast of characters as richly conceived and nuanced as those of Proust. Royall Tyler's superb translation, detailed and poetic, is scrupulously true to the Japanese original but appeals immediately to the modern reader as well. Tyler includes detailed notes, glossaries, character lists, and chronologies to help the reader navigate the multigenerational narrative and its references. Magnificently packaged in a two-volume set with a slipcase, this is a literary event comparable to Seamus Heaney's bestselling translation of Beowulf. It will spark interest in this masterpiece of world literature and serve as the standard edition for many years to come.
Translated by Royall Tyler.
The Tale of Genji (Penguin Classics) 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书